Category: Paris
Essay on Limit Between Paris and His Banlieue
The urbanization of all cities has a good point and bad point to the city. In history government work and make an importance for urbanization and renovation of the cities, but any government in the world didnt think about the future, they just think about themself and for their day. Recently, I was born in…
An Essay About a Trip to Paris
My first trip to Paris was a remarkable experience, which I will never forget. My parents drove from Vitoria to Paris at the cold Christmas weather. We stayed until the New Year in a hotel located in a suburb of Paris and visited the city every day. It was a great feeling to arrive in…
My Dream Vacation to Paris: Essay
KOMM KOMM KOMM MEINE DAMEN! Says the staunch German hotel manager when we were about to catch our bus for the train to France. FINALLY!… France&I am here! I am walking on the roads of Paris! A modern city with very deep history. I had never been to Paris and my first visit was a…