Category: Oedipus

  • Oedipus the King’: Reasons Why Oedipus Shouldn’t Be Punished

    Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it to end up in the place you are supposed to be. Your fate is like a car crash an accident you never asked for but happens because it’s your destiny. Sophocles highlights the irony of a man…

  • Oedipus the King’: A Critical Summary

    In the beginning, I want to introduce the background information about this play. First, the name of this filmed performance is ‘Oedipus the King’ It is written by Sophocles, the most famous playwright of ancient Greece. He is one of the three tragic writers in Athens. He not only believes in the supreme power of…

  • Blindness and Ignorance Vs Sight and the Truth in Oedipus

    ”We are only as blind as we want to be -Maya Angelou. There are a variety of connotations to the phrase ”blind. Some people tend to view blindness as a physical disability that resembles inferiority. Others believe that blindness defines ignorance as one is unaware of their surroundings or actions. However, the public’s attitudes towards…

  • Oedipus the King: the Story of the Consequences of a Curse Placed on King Oedipus

    In the city of Thebes, there is a plague of infertility that strikes. Just as the plants do not grow so is women not able to bear children. Creon informs King Oedipus that until the killer of King Laius is identified, the plague cannot be ended. Oblivious to the truth, King Oedipus sets to find…

  • Guilt and Innocence as Illustrated by Sophocles in His Oedipus at Colonus

    A common theme throughout the Oedipus Cycle is that of guilt coinciding with innocence. In Oedipus at Colonus however in separate instances Oedipus claims to be innocent of his wrong doings as in his fight against Laius he acted in self-defense, and he also insists he was ignorant of his sins so he cannot be…

  • Oedipus as a Hero

    Who could forget the story of Hercules? This famous story is about a son of the gods who resides on Earth as a normal human with abnormal strength. In the story, Hercules fights various monsters and is saving his city constantly. However Hercules makes a deal with Hades, god of the underworld, to give away…

  • Symbolism and Irony in Oedipus the King

    Oedipus the King begins with Oedipus, the king of Thebes. He was crowned King several years earlier after solving the Sphinx’s’ unsolvable riddle. He is conversing with the priest over the plague that has been on the city of Thebes. Oedipus says he will do whatever it takes to catch the murder of King Laius.…

  • Pride of Pentheus, Antigone and Oedipus

    The idea of hubris is monumental in a plethora of Greek mythological works. In many ways the excessive pride of certain characters fuels their own destruction. This is certainly true with respect to the characters of Pentheus, Antigone, and Oedipus. All three of these characters demonstrate, through their actions, various degrees of arrogance that seem…

  • Oedipus Rex: Metaphor of Blindness and Insight

    Oedipus Rex is a sad tragedy in which Sophocles clearly demonstrates the metaphor of sight and insight, which shows that for one to see the truth and/or reality, one does not need physical sight. Oedipus was ignorant of his reality regardless of his vision. Teiresias, then again, could simply see the truth. Oedipus’s mental blindness…

  • The Different Types of Blindness of The Characters in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

    Life is full of things that humans wish to forget. Using blindness as a buffer from reality is a natural response to dangerous stimuli. The types of blindness are easily classified into many categories. These classifications make understanding stories and characters much better. The characters in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and The Glass Menagerie by…