Category: Obesity
Physio- and Psychological Causes of Obesity
Obesity is a complex problem in the formation of which many physiological and psychological factors are involved. This condition is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, reinforcing the need for its study (Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences). The first group of factors leading to obesity is genetic tendencies. In this…
Children and Adolescents With Obesity: Physical Examination
Introduction The article, Physical Examination Findings Among Children and Adolescents With Obesity: An Evidence-Based Review, by Armstrong, S. et al. seeks to address the issue of physical examination of children who suffer from obesity, a harmful condition which affects a third of US children (Armstrong, et al., 2016, p. 1). Researchers evaluate the current evidence…
Obesity Treatment in Primary Care: Evidence-Based Guide
Table of Contents Introductory Part Article Abstract Brief Summary and Critique Critical Analysis and Context Articles Quality and Personal Opinion Conclusion References Introductory Part Obesity is one of the major health conditions affecting people in every developed country. This disease has become a major problem because professionals and experts in the field of health do…
Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences
Table of Contents Introduction Preventable Disease Overview Evidence-Based Intervention Implementation: Teaching Plan Evaluation Summary References Introduction A hereditary predisposition, unhealthy lifestyle habits, and a lack of overall physical-wellness education are factors that lead to developing otherwise preventable conditions, of which obesity is one of the most popular. Through analyzing a familys genetic history, the danger…
Pediatric Obesity Study Methodology
Table of Contents Sample/Setting Sampling Strategy Research Design Extraneous Variables Instruments Description of the Intervention Data Collection Procedures References Sample/Setting The study involves 110 12-14-year-old racially diverse children of both genders who are diagnosed with obesity, as well as their parents. The criteria for inclusion are the following: children should be diagnosed with obesity during…
Child Obesity Problem in the United States
Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Literature Review Research Methodology Hypothesis Testing Findings/result Analysis Recommendation/conclusion Works Cited Abstract The study explores the concept of obesity as evident among children in the U.S. For better understanding, the article began with the definition of obesity, reviewed the existing literature, highlighted the methodology used to conduct the research, and…
Problematic of Obesity in Mexican Americans
Table of Contents Background Information Cultural Beliefs and Health Practices Barriers to Competent Health Care Example of an Ethical Dilemma and Competent Strategies References Background Information Mexican Americans are citizens of Mexican origin or descent. There are over 34 million Mexican Americans living in the United States today. This represents 10.9% of the countrys total…
The Epidemiology of Obesity
Table of Contents Problem Statement Solution Benefits Conclusion References Problem Statement Obese and overweight people who would like to lose weight but lack the awareness of healthy options that may be implemented to achieve this goal may often be misled by the excess information about fad diets. Nowadays, these weight-loss strategies are promoted in modern…
Ways of Treating Obesity in Older Patients
Table of Contents Introduction Current Knowledge Approach to Research Gaining Wisdom Conclusion References Introduction The area of clinical practice that is particularly interesting to me is the treatment and management of health issues in the elderly population. In most developed countries, including the United States, there is a general trend towards the aging of the…
Obesity Problem Description and Analysis
Obesity and consequent health deterioration have become a serious problem for the whole population; therefore, this topic can be considered relevant and important. Methods of treatment usually include physical exercise and the modification of the lifestyle. However, less has been said about the effects of a low-calorie diet. In the article Diet (VLCKD) Compared to…