Category: Museum

  • Essay on Museums Heritage and Society

    Museums Heritage and Society In 1980s museums were majorly small-scale ventures which were devoted to numerous topics but the commentators focused on large organizations. The independent organizations were concerned with the previous industrial past of the museums. The independent sector, as a result, was associated with heritage as opposed to established public museums. Britain is…

  • Do Museums Still Need Objects: Argumentative Essay

    Introduction The question Do museums still need objects? is a provocative question that intrigued me to review the existing literature on museum objects. I wanted to determine whether there exist arguments in favor of objects being in museums, or whether they have completely become redundant in the world of museums. I could not believe that…

  • An Essay About a Trip to a Museum

    Last week I had an opportunity to visit a famous art museum in Iowa. It was the Figge Art Museum in downtown Davenport. Im not a fan of art but visiting a museum has always been an enjoyable experience for me. I wasnt surprised to see all kinds of people speaking different language from different…

  • Essay on Personal Experience of an Educational Tour

    On 28th June 2019, Friday, I participated on a short trip with my classmates from the course MPU3412 Social Responsibility to the local heritage-preserving museum called the Muzium Negara, which provides an overview of the rich Malaysian history and culture over the past sixty years. As a matter of fact, Muzium Negara or the National…

  • WW2 Museum and Pearl Harbor Overview Essay

    Introduction The World War II Museum and Pearl Harbor are two iconic sites that offer visitors a profound glimpse into the events that shaped the course of history. As a history enthusiast, I recently had the opportunity to visit both places, and I was captivated by the rich narratives and immersive experiences they provided. In…