Category: Mind

  • Mind-Body Problem: Belmont Principles and Future



    Application of the Belmont Principles The topic of our research is the mind-body relationship, and the main question is, to what extent do psychological factors, and physiological factors influence a persons character, reactions, and behavior? The research will be based on a literature review, and thus we will work with no human subjects directly. Thus,…

  • Mind-Body Relationship in Psychobiological View



    The Topic of Our Study and Its Alignment with the Chosen School of Thought The Topic of the Study and the Questions that Will Be Explored The general topic of our research is going to be the relationship between the mind and the body. The mind-body problem is one of the oldest questions in Western…

  • Mind-Body Relationship in Psychobiological Studies



    Table of Contents Proposed Research Paper Need for the Study Advancing Scientific Knowledge Theoretical Foundations References Proposed Research Paper The general topic of my paper is the relationship between the mind and the body. In contrast, the research question is, to what extent do psychological factors and physiological factors influence a persons character, reactions, and…

  • Mind-Body Problem in Psychobiology



    The topic of my paper is the relationship between the mind and the body. The mind-body problem is one of the oldest issues in Western culture, and many thinkers sought answers to it. Since the emergence of psychology as an academic discipline, this problem has become an issue asked about in psychology, not only in…

  • Thagards Mind Theory, Its Use and Modification



    Table of Contents Representational power Computational power Psychological plausibility Neurological plausibility Practical applicability Modifying the Theory Reference List Representational power When examining the nature of the multi-agent system there are a few factors that needed to be taken into consideration, the first is the fact that humans have complex behavioral systems which to this day…

  • Body-Mind Relationship in Psychobiology



    Table of Contents Principles Values Methods References The research topic I have chosen for my project is the relationship between the body and the mind. We will assume that the mind is generated by the body, and that, in fact, the very division into the body and the mind is an artificial one, but it…

  • Mind Therapies for Greater Psychological Openness



    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Analysis Reference Introduction The following four models are discussed in the review: mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), metacognitive therapy (MCT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). All four models are aimed at achieving greater psychological openness to eliminate negative thoughts and feelings. Particular attention is paid…

  • Mind Development: Physical and Social Environment



    Table of Contents Introduction Positive Mind Development Conclusion References Introduction The mind is the manifestation of day to day experiences. This brings to the limelight processes like thought, cognition, emotion, goals, memory and imagination that take place within the brain. It refers to the thought process of reason. The mind is the awareness of consciousness,…

  • The Computational Theory of Mind



    Introduction Computational Theory of Mind (CTM) is widely assumed to be the primary working hypothesis in cognitive science. CTM is frequently understood as a subset of the Representational Theory of Mind, which holds that cognition is the manipulation of representation. The most widely accepted version of CTM, classical CTM, otherwise simply CTM without qualification, is…

  • Descartes and the Mind-Body Relationship



    In the 17th century, one of the most prominent philosophers of all time, René Descartes, put forward his view of the relationship between the mind and the body. Urban (2018) states that, in Descartess view, matter is spatial, and it possesses attributes confirming it, while mental entities have no such attributes. For one, the mind,…