Category: Media

  • The Media Impacts On Tourist Destinations

    Abstract Tourist destinations are currently pursuing more distinction in an increasingly competitive market, within which image is a decisive element in tourists’ destination selection. This research studies the impact of media channels, such as television, radio, magazines, newspapers, and magazines on the destination image and how it is delivered differently from one media platform to…

  • Harmful Consequences Of Media Violence

    Violence is like a strong perfume. It may seem good from afar, but as soon as you get close it is sickening. Today we live in a society where violence is everywhere, it seems every movie is an action blockbuster, every song is more vulgar than the last, every video game is based on killing…

  • The Differences In Propaganda Methods In The Past And Present

    Over the past century, the ways in which governments have used propaganda to influence the masses have changed dramatically. In this essay I will be analysing two pieces of propaganda, one historical piece (Is This Tomorrow? America under Communism, a 1947 comic book) and one contemporary piece (Donald Trumps 2016 Presidential Campaign slogan Make America…

  • Impact of Mass Media on Serial Killers: Analytical Essay

    The Medias Role in Glorifying Serial Killers Ted Bundy, one of the more infamous and prolific serial killers in history, was said to have killed 36 people, but what leads one to commit such heinous acts? Serial killers are all influenced by similar social experiences throughout life and learn from the environments around them to…

  • Media Discourse Analysis In The Publications Deutsche Welle, Unicef, India Today, Al Jazeera And Prothom Alo

    Every year from July to September Torrential rain, flooding and monsoons are the norms for South Asia. The annual event is unpredictable in its danger, death, and destruction. In 2019, the first onslaught of catastrophic monsoons hit on July 12 in the South Asia region in countries such as Bangladesh, China, India, and Nepal. Numerous…

  • Media Propaganda During Kashmir Floods In India

    Introduction The origin of the word Propaganda goes back to Athens in Greece. Before the First World War too, the term was regularly used (Casey, 1944). Propaganda can be defined as a method that involves persuasion, to ensure that the agenda of governments and people are achieved. This is done by the deliberate act of…

  • The Role Of Media In Angie Thomas The Hate U Give

    The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas focuses on the racism that black communities face in modern America. Throughout the novel, Thomas highlights the impact of the media, particularly how it influences society, elevates racism and creates bonds between characters. In The Hate U Give the media strongly influences society and encourages racism. One of…

  • The Watergate Scandal: Success of the American Media in Fulfilling Its Democratic Functions Today

    To assess how successfully the American media is fulfilling its democratic function today we must look at what the medias democratic function is from promoting democracy to political socialisation. Secondly, one must a look at whether the United States media has fulfilled its democratic functions in the past and if the same is still true…

  • Media Analysis Of Domestic Violence In Australia

    Legal definition of the Crime Domestic Violence is defined by the (Family Law Act 1975) as violent, threatening or other behavior by a person that coerces or controls a member of the persons family or causes the family member to be fearful (AMA, 1998). &any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely…

  • Media Negative Effect On Woman Perception In Modern World: Stereotypes And Discrimination

    Do you open media every time you are free ? Did it become the first thing your eyes see in the morning and the last thing you see before you sleep ? I am sure yes. Media became one of the main ways of communication for our next generation. Social media that provided for people…