Category: Meaning of Life

  • Having the Purpose of Life

    First and the foremost reason is that we are conditioned like that by society. Since our childhood we are told that we need to have a purpose to live in. In our neighborhood, there is a man who always asks her granddaughter in front of everyone why you are alive and whats the purpose of…

  • My Colorful and Beautiful Ikigai

    I’m alive because I have life, I have life because I’m alive. A very simple statement but meaningful as we used to expound it. It is like I exist because I have an ikigai that gives me a reason for living even the moment that I’m feeling distressed and my life becomes miserable. The true…

  • Reflections on Meaning and Purpose of Life

    The inanimate thing that gives meaning to my life and what makes me wake up every morning to do my tasks are my goals in life. The bliss of becoming a career woman who is financially and emotionally stable and could provide for herself has been my long-term goal. That gave meaning to my life…

  • Meaning and Purpose of Life

    Humanity is constantly searching for meaning and purpose within their own lives. A meaningful life typically has a clear and positive self-concept, goals that give purpose to life, commitment to relationships, provide the world with some greater good, and give a sense of hope for the future. Many things can impact an individual’s viewpoint of…

  • Meaning Of Life: The Scientific Perspective

    The approach we employ in seeking to discover and understand the meaning of life is of utmost importance, as it greatly defines our eventual outcome. The philosopher has his own personal opinion about life, which he may innocuously presume to be absolute. Conversely, religious folks have their own biased interpretation of what life really means,…