Category: Masculinity
Masculine Stereotypes: The Problem of Studying Stereotypes
The central attitude of ones perception of others and themselves is the division of people into women and men. Many people believe that the psychological differences that exist between men and women are directly related to the biological features of the male and female body. At the same time, the explanation for many gender differences…
Masculinity in Refresh, Refresh Story by Percy
Setting is an element of fiction often used by authors to support the ideas and themes presented in a literary work. Setting refers to the place and time where the story takes place and may include social statuses, weather, historical period, and details about immediate surroundings (Elements of Fiction). The setting of a story is…
Masculine and Feminine Writing Features in To the Ladies by Lady Mary Chudleigh
The issue of identifying and understanding the possible gender differences in linguistics, specifically in writing styles between males and females has been an area of interest to many researchers for a long time. Even without their knowledge, males and females write differently even when expressing the same ideas and this realization has led to widespread…
Patriarchy and Masculinity in Things Fall Apart by Achebe
Introduction The central theme of Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe is the clash between traditional African society and the innovations brought by British missionaries. However, this opposition is not the only one in the book since the whole story is built on contrasts that allow the reader to understand the protagonists image better. One…
Masculinity in The Tales of Roland and Lancelot
The Song of Roland is a tale of many themes. There are conflicts of fear and courage, loyalty and betrayal, honor and disgrace. Masculinity is a concept that Turold, author of The Song of Roland, puts into each of these topics. The story is about Rolland, one of the warriors from the army of Charlemagne…
Masculinity of King Arthur in Literature
Is Chretien merely mocking Arthur or the concept of Arthurian literature? Chretien as Bonnie Wheeler explains is not only mocking Arthurian literature but also the character that is King Arthur by confining him to contexts that portray him as weak and not only ridiculous but laughably so. The story of Arthur missing the highest feast…
Masculinity in Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra Play
Table of Contents Introduction Essay Body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Antony and Cleopatra is one of Shakespeares most dramatic plays; however, it has not been staged nearly as many as plays such as Hamlet or Macbeth because it is such a hard play to produce due to its enormous variety of content. However, the mere…
Toxic Masculinity and Machismo in Junot Diazs Drown
Table of Contents Introduction Dehumanization of Women Male Assertiveness The Definition of a Real Man Conclusion References Introduction Gender is inescapable. It does not matter whether one agrees with the emerging progressive narrative of gender being a construct or not. Being a male or a female comes with its own set of expectations, codes, and…
Masculine Nature in Media
Western society defines specific qualities to meet the patriarchal ideal male construct. It might be argued that the indoctrination of masculine values begins at a young age, with hardness, stoicism, heteronormativity, and self-sufficiency. Ideal masculinity is related with a lack of emotional sensitivity and connection. Boys learn to be men through their parents and via…