Category: Marijuana Legalization

  • Medical Marijuana for Chronic Illnesses and Alternative Medicine

    Introduction Medical marijuana is an alternative type of medicine that comes from Cannabis Sativas dried parts. People have used it as a herbal remedy for centuries, and it as proven to be effective in relieving and treating symptoms of chronic illnesses. Although the Federal government considers it illegal, some states allow its use in treating…

  • What Celebrating the Cannabis Cup Means for the World?

    The legalization and regulation of cannabis across the United States market marks a significant time in history. Apart from giving the plant its much-needed recognition, the world is also shedding light to the benefits and advantages marijuana brings to its many users around the globe. From aiding in pain management to being used recreationally, there…

  • The Challenges of Marijuana Legalization

    Eagerly anticipated, the concern for the legalization of marijuana still exists and should be addressed. There are many states that have mandated Medical marijuana laws. Two states specifically, Colorado and Washington have sanctioned cannabis to be used recreationally. Society winds up in a head scratcher on what truly is the better class for the eventual…

  • Marijuana Use in Medical and Recreational Should be Legalized in All of The United States

    With voting season right around the corner, many states are considering the future of marijuana on their upcoming ballots. According to According to The District of Columbia and 11 states — Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington — have adopted the most expansive laws legalizing marijuana for recreational…

  • Refuting Marijuana Legalization

    Introduction The legal recognition of marijuana denotes one of the most controversial themes across the globe. Contrary to the contentions presented by the activists of legalizing the drug, the present bipartisan and restrictive laws of the US, as well as other nations around the globe, are doing a commendable job in alleviating the consumption of…

  • How Marijuana Culture Leads to its Legalization

    Marijuana, also named weed, pot, herb, grass, and Mary Jane is a commonly used mixture of the dried flowers of Cannabis Sativa, the plant, it is a globally used psychoactive drug used for recreational and medical purposes worldwide. A psychoactive drug in pharmaceutical terms is a chemical substance that alters brain functionality and results in…

  • The Advantages of Cannabis Legalization

    The likely odds are that from a young age, parents and teachers gave horror stories about the nature and effects of marijuana. The Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU) is a Florida based medical organization that has, for years, been fighting the biased mindset surrounding the drug. The average American voter is not concerned with…

  • The Impacts of Marijuana Legalization on Economic and Medical Field

    In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.…

  • Legalization of Opioids and Marijuana

    There is a significant public health problem in America that is causing mass devastation. Ironically, it is administered by your healthcare providers. The culprit is opioid addiction. There have been some efforts to curb this epidemic. Andrew Yang has offered many solutions in his presidential campaign. But despite the attempts to stop this epidemic, Andrew…

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Marijuana Legalization

    Over the course of several years, there has been a debate about whether the United States should legalize the usage of marijuana. As of right now, thirty-three states have decriminalized or legalized marijuana use (Speights, 2018). The decriminalization of the substance indicates that criminal penalties administered are not necessarily harsh. For example, a fine may…