Category: Manufacturing

  • ABC Manufacturing Companys Project

    Introduction Technology is redefining the approach that manufacturers take to run various activities. One of the main areas of manufacturing that has been redefined by the emerging technologies is in warehousing. Firms are moving away from the manually-managed warehouses to automated warehouses because of the need for efficiency and reliability. In this project, ABC Manufacturing…

  • Case Study: JAMS Manufacturing

    Table of Contents An Executive Summary Project Advantages and Changes A Work Breakdown Structure References An Executive Summary A local area network allows users to share computer resources and peripherals connected to a network within the same organization. Additionally, in networks with a large number of users, not all of them need to access all…

  • Mechanichal Pencils Manufacturing

    Introduction It might seem at first glance that differences between the classical and mechanical pencils are minor, to say the least. However, the formers main issue manifests when it is sharpened  it is not reusable, with the majority of its material wasted. To address that issue, people developed the mechanical version; it required no…

  • Manufacturing Dimethyl Ether From Methanol

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Process description Assumptions Results Analysis Conclusion Recommendations Works cited Abstract One of the sources of dimethyl ether is methanol. This report analyzes the viability of manufacturing dimethyl ether from methanol by heating it and converting it to dimethyl ether and water. The report considers different costs of operation to calculate…

  • Cryptography System for B Manufacturing Company

    Table of Contents Encryption Wireless access point and security Cryptographic protocols Node 2 Node 6 References Encryption The security of data and information of the B manufacturing is paramount. The computer network represents one area that is vulnerable to security compromise, which might be detrimental to the prosperity of the company. Therefore, it is would…

  • Materials and Processes in Manufacturing

    In grinding, it is highly important to know properties of different materials. For this purpose, various standard and non-standard methods are used (Kreibig and Vollmer 46). The report at hand is going to sum up the key assumptions concerning the shape, color, and brightness of sparks produced in grinding, which can serve as a practical…

  • Cigarettes Manufacturers Should Be Prohibited

    Most people are aware of the fact that cigarette smoking is harmful to the health and is one of the leading causes of deadly infections, for instance lung cancer. A fact that may not be clear to them is that cigarette smoking also leads to other dangerous diseases and illnesses. Smoking of cigarette is also…

  • Reverse Logistics in Pharmaceutical Industry: Handling Products Back to the Manufacturer

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction The article titled Reverse Logistics in Pharmaceutical Industry investigates transportation mechanisms in the suggested domain and examines its problems. The paper primarily focuses on reverse logistics as a process of handling products back to the manufacturer. This kind of logistics implies that the products move from…

  • Oil Extraction and Standard Vehicle Manufacturing

    Oil extraction and standard vehicle manufacturing are examples of businesses that consciously avoid spending on environmental causes. Usually, oil producers do not have a question about the ecological harm since the damage is evident as the various benefits from the products. It is not only gasoline and fuel oil but a variety of building materials,…

  • Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals

    Table of Contents Total Quality Control Packaging and Labeling Approaches Biochemical Analyses 3D Printing Technology Conclusion References Creating conditions for the safe production of pharmaceuticals is a practice that has evolved significantly due to the introduction of modern approaches to the manufacturing process. As effective measures aimed to establish control in this industry, various measures…