Category: Linguistics 473

  • How Does Language Influence Our World?

    Language is humanitys district feature, a basis for the majority of human activities. People learn, work, entertain and express themselves, and cooperate using various languages existing in the world. Aside from those functions, a language also preserves a respective culture and its relevant meanings. They can be benign, malevolent, neutral, or controversial, but it is…

  • The Status of English as an International Language

    English as a Global Language English is gaining recognition as a global language and it is being studied more whether this language should be a global language (Nadkarni, n.d.). For more than half of the century, people who migrated from different parts of the Indian subcontinent have added lots of varieties in the English language…

  • Types of Listening

    Listening is fundamental to effective communication, and the way people listen in every situation needs a different approach. One might be trying to develop a relationship, learn something new, make a logical evaluation or discriminate. Therefore, one needs to be able to focus, receive and comprehend to listen. There are five types of listening, discriminative,…

  • Language Acquisition and Learning Methods

    A language is a form of communication conveyed by using words, gestures, writing, and symbols. Language acquisition is the process during which individuals gain the ability to utilize and make sense of certain language elements. Second language acquisition refers to the process of learning or acquiring another language after one has mastered the first one.…

  • Politeness Strategy in Complaint and Response Letters

    Table of Contents Complaint Letter Mice in the Hotel Response Letter Politeness Strategy Complaint Letter John Black, CEO of High Nile Hotels, 11/1/2013 Dear Sir, Mice in the Hotel I would appreciate it if you would help me with this situation. Your waiter Helen Harris served us at your restaurant on 5 January 11, 2013,…

  • Linguistics: Is There a Superior Language?

    Most linguists today would argue that all languages are equal without any reference to superior or inferior (or primitive) languages. In making this claim, they are typically careful to point out that they are referring to the mother tongue of a given individual, the native language of the speaker. Because this is the language that…

  • Sociolinguistics Principles and Patterns

    The principle of sociolinguistics It is possible to distinguish several important principles that underlie sociolinguistics. First, one should mention the premise according to which many changes within the language can be attributed to socially relevant forces and facts (Spolsky, 1998, p. 4). For instance, they can be attributed to various factors like migration, economic or…

  • The Origins of Language

    Table of Contents Introduction The Language Origin and Speech Perception by Trask Motor Theory of Speech Perception Nature Cries or Human Invention by Fromkin and Rodman Conclusion Reference List Introduction The secrets of language origin attract many scholars and linguists who want to reveal the truth and prove their own points of view. As a…

  • The Study of Phonology

    Introduction Phonology is the study of sound systems of a language. It explains how speech sounds are arranged, how they are organized and how they give meaning when used in a language. To help in the study of this speech sounds, we analyze the phonemes, which are the smallest units of sound which can alter…

  • Chapters 2-5 of Psycholinguistics by Thomas Scovel

    Table of Contents Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Works Cited Chapter 2 In this chapter, Thomas Scovel discusses the way in which children acquire their mother tongue. At first, the author notes that crying can be viewed as the precursor of language and speech (Scovel 8). As a rule, it is a…