Category: LGBT

  • Harm of the Laws ‘No Promo Homo’ for the LGBTQ+ Community



    Homophobia is defined as dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people. People being homophobic is causing children across the world to go through pain every day because of their sexuality. Most of the pain and suffering is caused by bullying in schools. Making children feel welcome in schools should be a priority, not a choice.…

  • Ethiopian LGBTQ+ Rights As Legal Human Rights



    The Ethiopian government has always been in essence, a religiously backed government. With 62.8 of the population being of Ethiopian Orthodox Christian faith, The countrys community is fairly conservative. This in itself isnt wrong, but it does inadvertently cause damage to Ethiopian human rights, especially concerning LGBTQ+ communities. This majority in the country gives religious…

  • Transgender Rights As Human Rights



    Today, one of the most penetrating global issues talks about gender equality. Majority knows that gender equality is human right, but why is it that our world still faces a persistent gap in accessing opportunities and decision making for men and women? We can’t disagree that there are still few people who cannot really accept…

  • LGBTQ Rights As Human Rights



    Introduction The opening words of the United Nations Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights are that: All human beings are born equal and free in terms of dignity and rights. The equality and non-discrimination guaranteed to each and every person by international human rights law applies regardless of their sex, sexual 0rientation and gender identity…

  • The Peculiarities Of LGBT Tourism



    What is LGBT tourism? This type of tourism is aimed to satisfying the needs of the exponents of the LGBT community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisex, Trans). Often members of this community feel threatened and therefore hide their sexual orientation when they are in public, especially in countries where there is a low degree of tolerance.the LGBT…

  • LGBT Rights: Discrimination And Equality



    People are different in many dimensions. Some of these dimensions include age, race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexual orientation among others. While society continues to embrace the growing diversity, it is clear that integrating certain differences still faces significant resistance. Lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people constitute one of the groups that still face…

  • Against Same Sex Marriage: Persuasive Essay



    Homosexuality is the entrance to a new global era in Palestine. As a result of many reasons, homosexuality is forbidden and illegal for Palestinians and for other countries too. A survey by Pew Research Centre in 2013 found that most people in the region believe homosexuality should be rejected: 97% in Jordan due to the…

  • The Social Determinants Of Mental Illness In The LGBT Community



    Introduction Sexuality differing from the hetero-norm has a complicated socio-legal history within the UK, with legal developments key to LGBT acceptance. The first act of equality was the 1967 Sexual Offences Act in which (private) homosexual acts were legalised for those over the age of 21 in England and Wales (Scotland following suit in 1981…

  • Same Sex Marriage Thesis Statement



    Same-sex marriage is the legal union between individuals of the same sex whether it may be both males or both females. While it may be legal in many countries for people of the same sex to get married it is illegal in Jamaica, but there are still homosexuals here. Back in the day same-sex marriage…

  • Same Sex Marriage Definition Essay



    In many major religions, same-sex marriage has been forbidden and illegal. Additionally, in many countries across the world such as &.. Same-sex relationships and marriages are viewed as unnatural and against God’s views, Canada is one of the first countries that allow same-sex relationships and same-sex marriages which opened up a portal for many social…