Category: Leadership
Management and Leadership: Common and Different Features
Introduction The terms leadership and management have been interpreted differently by people around the world. Some say that the terms are interrelated while others claim that both terms refer to two different roles and can therefore not be interchangeable (Dorothy 2006). The word, leadership, can be termed as the process whereby a group is influenced…
Strength-Based Leadership in Nursing Management
Strength-based Leadership I believe that my communication skills and a general sense of emotional stability are two of my greatest strengths. My communication skills are linked to my ability to listen and speak well with my colleagues and patients. They have also been instrumental in helping me to assess patients feedback and solve problems. Emotional…
Diversity in the Workplace, Teamwork and Leadership
Diversity in the Workplace As a registered nurse in Orchard Health Care Center, Alabama, I have witnessed the importance of promoting diversity in the workplace because it affects different aspects of patient-nurse and nurse-nurse relationships. Particularly, I have noted that patients are becoming increasingly multicultural and, as proposed by Beheri (2009), it is only fair…
Leadership Interview on Job Satisfaction
Management hires suitable people with the requisite skills, training, and qualifications for diverse positions, allowing the organization to prosper in an ever-changing environment. When the market changes, the initial leadership must be modified by managers. As an outcome, the company can react to changing market needs and societal concerns. Leadership is responsible for the companys…
Conducting Successful Leadership Strategy: Generational Leadership
Leadership is the ability to lead people through a process of influencing them to achieve specific goals. There is no leadership without followers, as there are no followers without a leader. Followers are simply some aggregate of people without a leader. All members of the group must interact with each other on the way to…
Ronald Heifetz Type of Leadership
Heifetz presents a form of leadership that involves leaders providing leadership when the organization they are leading is under siege from external factors. Changes and transformations in todays markets, clients, competitors, and technology all over the world are necessitating organizations to restructure their modes of operation (Heifetz, 2001, pg.124). According to Heifetz, companies are faced…
Leadership Behaviors, Wisdom and Social Recognition
Introduction Wisdom and social recognition impact ones behaviors and approaches and contribute to effective leadership. Both concepts are complex, and there is no universal way to define them. Wisdom can be viewed as a mature understanding of life and the ability to utilize experience and knowledge to make the right decisions (Toma et al., 2020).…
Artistry, Choice and Leadership in Organizations
Management plays a major role in the success of every organization. The growth trend that an organization takes is attributed by the type of the management system used to run the organization. Management approaches differ depending on the managers perception and the level of exposure. According to Bolman and Deal (6), management is no longer…
Strategic Leadership, Leadership Positions, Roles
As an essential phenomenon of society, leadership can be presented in two aspects. It is necessary to distinguish operational or situational leadership focused on the present and strategic leadership focused on the future. Without diminishing the role of a managers personal qualities, we view strategic leadership as the ability of the management system to make…
Leadership Styles: Organizational Change and Quality Management
Leadership is defined as the act of organizing a group of people to achieve a common objective. It entails giving directions to other people mostly to the subordinates by authority and being accountable for the results obtained (Johnson and Hackman, 2003, p.38). Leadership in an organization is an important tool of management. The leadership of…