Category: Leadership

  • Leadership: Transcript Discussion

    Summary It could be seen from the conversation that Tyler demonstrates some good leadership skills. When speaking to Gus, Tyler makes it apparent that he has to communicate with Gus about his interactions with the other employees at the organization. Guss job behavior appears to be inappropriate and intrusive to the other workers personal lives,…

  • Leadership Theories and Their Role in Organizations

    Leadership is the ability to inspire, motivate, and empower a group of individuals in an attempt to achieve a specific objective. Today, headship is essential for firms long-term and strategic existence because it aligns the employees with the companys strategy (Mango, 2018). Multiple scholars have formulated several concepts to explain how various forms of governance…

  • Effective Leadership and Communication as the Keys to Organizational Growth

    Table of Contents Introduction Purpose Statement Intended Achievement for the Research Project Conclusion References Introduction Leadership is the art of motivating team members in an organization to achieve set goals. Front-liners characteristics and personalities are vital in ensuring the company remains on course to obtain desired outcomes. The effectiveness of headships varies from an individual…

  • Leadership Types and Necessary Skills

    Leadership, both as a process or a skill, has numerous definitions that vary from one author to another, yet the essence stays the same. Northouse (2016) defines leadership as a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (p. 6). My definition of leadership is the following: it is…

  • Leadership: Forms and Theories

    Introduction A charismatic leader can influence people through their ability to communicate, persuasion, and charm. Every captivating leader is unique in their appearance and in the manner in which they operate. This makes it possible for such leaders to influence their subordinate to embrace a particular desirable pattern of operation. To inspire others, charismatic leaders…

  • Company Ws Bureaucratic Leadership

    Introduction There are several types of leadership models that exist to suit different organizations. While some industries require the strict following of the rules, others look for a creative approach. Company W belongs to the banking industry and requires a set of guidelines for their leaders. The manual for it would include a description of…

  • Leadership and Self-Deception Book by Arbinger Institute

    Introduction / Book Summary Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box by the Arbinger Institute is a book addressing the problems and misunderstandings that people and organizations face as a result of what the authors call self-deception. The book is based on the premise that understanding the concept of self-deception will end most of…

  • Servant Leadership from a Personal Perspective

    Servant leadership is a type of leadership in which the leader prioritizes the needs of the followers first. For instance, the leader constantly checks up on the followers or guides them on gaining the skills they need, even if they may move on. The followers should feel that the leader is there for them and…

  • Path-Goal Approach to Leadership

    Table of Contents Introduction Leadership Approach Leadership Traits Leadership Theory Leadership and Motivation Goals Conclusion: Plan of Action References Introduction Leadership is a prerequisite of success in any given company, regardless of its size, focus, and market position. The course has provided a significant amount of information on various leadership models and styles that can…

  • Organizational Management vs Leadership

    The article Issues facing management vs. leadership in public organizations discuss how management and leadership in public organizations influence their functioning and present the key differences between these two concepts. To understand what concept is more appropriate for contemporary organizational management, the differences between management and leadership need to be approached. Differences between Management and…