Category: Law 2955

  • Information Sharing to Ensure National Security USA

    Information Sharing Information sharing environment among agencies was established by the United States Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act in 2004. The information-sharing information-sharing environment provides the agencies with information on security in the nation to ensure national security. Information sharing weaknesses was the main factor that contributed to the lack of preparedness during the…

  • Cargo Security to Protect the Nation

    After the attack by terrorists in 2001, the Department of Homeland Security has taken various measures to protect the nation from an even bigger attack by terrorists as they are capable of using weapons of mass destruction. The department has taken the initiative of launching the security measures of inspecting airports outside the US, to…

  • Selective Criminalization of Aboriginals in Canada

    Introduction By and large, the Canadian Criminal justice system is anchored on the legal doctrine. To be precise, the countrys democratic ideals are grounded on the rule of law that each individual is liable to the customary law of the Canadian territory (Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission 10). Since the patriation of the countrys constitution in…

  • Andrews Test: Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

    Section 15 of the Canadian charter of Rights and Freedoms contains guarantees for equality before the law. The section prohibits numerous discriminative actions by governments, because it falls under constitutional rights. Discriminative actions highlighted included prejudice and stereotyping. The section, however, exempts affirmative action and rights provided by other sub-sections of the Canadian constitution. While…

  • Annulment of Citizenship: Lem Moon Sing v. United States

    Table of Contents Facts Issue Holdings Opinion Comments Facts Lem Moon Sing was a Chinese merchant with a permanent domicile in the United States before the Act of Congress passed in 1894. This particular act, also known as the General Appropriation Act of Congress, sought to exclude or establish conditions that checked the entry and…

  • The Legal Area of Employer, Employee Rights and Responsibilities

    Table of Contents Treating Employees Right so They Treat Customers Right Challenges Along the Way Legal Issues Addressed Lessons Learned. Conclusion References Treating the employees in a way that is comfortable for them is crucial when it comes to employer-employee relations. Thus, every state has legislation that protects the rights of the workers as well…

  • Times Up Movement Against Sex Offenses

    The Times Up movement is gaining more ground in the United States since multiple cases of sexual harassment appear in the media. Significantly, the movement became popular when celebrities claimed to encounter sexual crimes throughout their lives, which inspired many U.S. residents to file for similar cases (MsMojo, 2018). Yet, many cases remain unheard if…

  • The United States Employment Commission and Lawsuits

    Table of Contents Introduction The Compliance Issue Functions of the EEOC Does the Lawsuit Promote Social Change? Comparison of the Press Release and the News Item Strategies I Would Implement as a Manager Conclusion References Introduction Equal employment opportunity is one of the main aspects of United States ethics. The protection of this practice is…

  • Categories of Workers Excluded From National Labor Relations Act

    National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) was enacted to safeguard the civil and constitutional rights of employees. Workers from the private sectors formed trade unions, organized strikes, and engaged in activities that could forward their demands. NLRA (Wagner Act) excluded domestic employees and supervisors. Agricultural employees and those who are covered…

  • Child Workers of the World

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Miners in Bolivia and Minimal Working Age Unions to Protect Workers Conclusion References Introduction In previous works, we have already discussed child labor as one of the most significant problems the modern society faces. In fact, ruthless exploitation of individuals who are responsible for our future might seem unwise because…