Category: Law
all resource must be Chinese, Chinese law, Chinese case, you can find in English
all resource must be Chinese, Chinese law, Chinese case, you can find in English Language, but must be Chinese area.
Learning goal:I’m working on a law writing question and need support to help me
Learning goal:I’m working on a law writing question and need support to help me learn. Using relevant examples define “A Question of Fact”
Submit your Answers in an Attachment Academic Honesty Agreement: Sharing written
Submit your Answers in an Attachment Academic Honesty Agreement: Sharing written work is unapproved collaboration, and using another student’s work, or another author’s memo to assist you in preparing your own is plagiarism; these practices are strictly forbidden in any academic environment. By submitting your assignment for grading, you understand the obligation to avoid plagiarism…
Learning goal:I’m working on a law writing question and need support to help me
Learning goal:I’m working on a law writing question and need support to help me learn. Define an operating system as used in computers Be sure to give examples accordingly
1. This examination consists of four questions with related facts. 2. In answeri
1. This examination consists of four questions with related facts. 2. In answering these questions, you may consult the textbook, other published treatises, the PowerPoint slides and all posted materials provided to you by Prof Lupo, and your notes. You may not consult any Internet-based resources, nor may you consult any resources not created by…
Most employees in the United States are employees at will. This means their empl
Most employees in the United States are employees at will. This means their employment can be terminated for good reason, bad reason, or no reason at all (just not an illegal reason). It also means employees can quit their jobs whenever they wish. Therefore, sometimes employers choose not to give employees a reason for their…
Instructions: This is an open book examination. You may refer to all materials y
Instructions: This is an open book examination. You may refer to all materials you have used over the course of the semester, including the casebook and its supplement and all notes and outlines you have prepared. You may also use secondary sources, but note that some study guides may address issues in a manner that…
APA format, cite and reference, very thorough and detailed, no grammatical error
APA format, cite and reference, very thorough and detailed, no grammatical errors and no plagiarism.
Conduct an interview with someone in the field that you would want to consult in
Conduct an interview with someone in the field that you would want to consult in. Ask them questions about how they might use consulting in their field, including ways to network and market oneself as a consultant. Additionally, ask them questions about whether or not they have seen consulting used before and how well it…
Your law enforcement agency has had an incident where community trust in the org
Your law enforcement agency has had an incident where community trust in the organization has been severely damaged. As your agency tries to rebuild a positive relationship with the community you serve, your command staff has asked you to prepare a report that does the following: 1. Discuss each pillar of 21st Century Policing in…