Category: Language
What Is Meant By Appropriateness In Language Use?
As being as a complex symbolic system; language has its own designs and styles to be used in different stages of age, occasions and even in social statuses. And what is appropriate at one time or place may not be at another. As a teacher, I do not want inappropriate word choice to get in…
The Difference Between Balinese Language And Sundanese Language
ABSTRACT This research is aimed to find out the lexical meaning and connotative meaning of Balinese language. Balinese language is one of the traditional language in Indonesian country which an unique thing because of the historical of these language are had been influenced not only by the Balinese language itself, but there are an influenced…
The Peculiarities Of Language Development
Language is a complex and important feature in every day life, it is how we as humans communicate to one another, how we express our needs and emotions and how we get the attention of our peers. How does language begin to develop in children? They are not born speaking the words adults use around…
The Issue Of Language Impairment
First of all, language impairment is a controversial issue which triggers a great deal of heated debate among the language and the brain. Moreover, one other language impairment is dyslexia, due to the seriousness of the problem that it causes. In addition, it must be pointed out that, dyslexia has been recognized as a serious…
New Technologies For Social Learning And Language Practice Platforms
As suggested by the researchers, web tools offer potential ground for supporting individual personal learning (Severance et al., 2008; Woo et al., 2011) by empowering their perception and valuable activity exploration (Boruta et al., 2011; Gardner, 2011; Mortimer, 2010; Shihab, 2008). This review of literature provides a context and groundwork for the investigation that attempted…
Language Design And Implementation
Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out the new features that can be included as a new code in the existing programming languages. The modern hardware is fast compared to the old ones with larger storage capacity as well as network capacity is also increased. The availability of compilers, editors and debugger…
The Animal Sounds In Different Languages
Every country in the world is home to a wide range of thousands of different animals. Some of these animals are unique to their location, such as the wild wildebeest of the African Sahara, the Brown Bear of North America or the Capybara of coastal Brazil; others are domesticated and commonly seen throughout the world…
Contemporary Issues In Language Education
Introduction Code-switching is one of the controversial topics in English Language Teaching (ELT) practice. It has been studied from different perspectives and has received much critical attention from researchers worldwide. This paper aims at providing critical reflections on two selected articles from the course core readings. The first article is Learner code-switching versus English only…
The Peculiarities Of Language Acquisition
Language acquisition is a phenomenon that people are still looking into today, and opinions differ regarding its innateness; some think its learned (nurture), others believe its acquired (nature). Jackendorff (1994) develops arguments supporting the latter: the argument for mental grammar and the argument for innate knowledge, both of which make a pretty strong case. However,…
Education Abroad: Enhancing Intercultural Sensitivity And Language Proficiency
Education abroad in a new choice for young people to develop their careers and intercultiral activity as its options have become more diverse (e.g. study abroad, internships, field research, work placements, volunteering, service learning, directed travel linked to learning goals) and motivated by a wider range of goals (e.g. second-language learning, exposure to other cultures,…