Category: John Dewey

  • Impact Of John Dewey On Western Education

    The Purpose of Education: John Deweys Perspective For John Dewey, a philosopher that contributed a large portion of his works to education, the purpose of education was essentially social reform whereby a democratic education would ensure that children became citizens who were culturally aware, open-minded people who positively contributed to society. Dewey believed that the…

  • Theory Of John Dewey And Paulo Freire: Critical Analysis

    As a technical teacher in the Department of Correctional Services, I have experience in teaching adult offenders. I taught Mathematics and Motor Trade Theory N1 to offenders registered for a TVET Programme called Engineering Studies N1 Students. I never had an opportunity to teach at a school outside correctional services except when I was doing…

  • General Overview Of John Dewey High School

    The historical events regarding New York City education is filled with discrimination, race-related and socio-economic segregation, strikes, and more. Schooling for many communities meant they had to fight for it. Students, parents, and so many others would strike and hold up signs, saying they want integration, and that unifying all students would be useful, productive,…

  • Implication Of John Dewey’s Ideas In South African Educational System

    South African educational system faces many challenges even in the post-apartheid era (Sefotho, 2018). This essay will focus on the issue of poor discipline in South African schools. In this essay, I will discuss the causes of poor discipline in schools, its implication in the education system, and also what sustains the problem. Causes There…

  • John Dewey Ideas In Reform In The Mauritian Educational Sector

    One of the major reform in the Mauritian educational sector is free education which has been implemented at the primary and secondary level for more than a decade and recently applied at the tertiary level. The picture of this reform project is that it provides equal opportunities for all learners to have free access to…

  • Reflective Essay on Different Philosophies of Education

    Task: Did any of the varied philosophies surprise you? Did you find that any components spoke to you although you didnt initially think you would agree with that philosophy? Do you think any philosophies spark changes in educational practice or instructional models over time? Response: I spent quite some time this week going over the…

  • Theoretical Grounds On Education Of William Edward Burghardt Du Bois And John Dewey

    Introduction As a comparative essay is a theoretical identification of the similarities and differences in any two subjects, this document tries to establish the same between the two thinkers, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois and John Dewey. The main theme of discussion is how the idea of education of the two thinkers differ or concur…

  • Life And Contributions Of John Dewey

    There are so many legendary people who have contributed to the education process over the past 150 years. However, John Dewey has been a major contributor and tried to change the curriculum to better the students and their adulthood. There will be a few areas that will be discussed in this research paper. The first…

  • The Pedagogy Of John Dewey And Its Application In Education

    John Dewey is known as the master-mind in the history of learning theories. Its not possible for anyone to exclude his work or ignores his particular theory Experience and Education. John gave authentic views regarding education and its system. He was persuasive in so many parts of scholastic modification, so choosing a portion of his…

  • John Dewey And The Reggio Emilia Approach

    During my research whilst in my EdLab journey I found myself interested in the Reggio Emilia approach, which sees the philosopher and educational reformer John Dewey as a key influence to their practice (Rinaldi, 2004: p6). The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education was created post world war II by pedagogist Loris Malaguzzi and…