Category: International Relations
Powerful States Influence on Poorer States
The most powerful states have more opportunities to preserve their autonomy on the global arena than poorer states; moreover, powerful nations can have a significant impact on other countries, as well as impose their will on them. In spite of the fact that globalization influences all states, powerful countries are affected positively, and their impact…
Idealism versus Realism in International Politics
Introduction The idealists believe in selfless human character, the likelihood of improving culture, the uncertainty of war, and the need for multi-lateral global efforts to eradicate war and prejudice universally. Realists deem that ethics and virtues are a barrier to the quest for state power and that the efficiency of policies should be moderated based…
Russian Comeback into the International Arena
Table of Contents Introduction Proposed Policies Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Russias comeback as a global player has been characterized by its determination in multi-polarity overseas and creation of an autonomous democracy at home. The Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST) argues for the cyclical transition of world leadership. It states that the superpower status keeps on changing…
Realism as a Convincing Theory of International Relations
Political realism consistently remains one of the main concepts in the theory of international relations. From the time of the first political discussions, the basic concepts and principles of diplomacy began to be defined within the framework of a realistic paradigm. Following this paradigm, various countries decided to build their political strategies based on these…
The UAE and Europe Work for Integration of Refugees
Proposal for Media and Awareness Campaign Importance of Media Awareness Campaign A media and awareness campaign is important because it creates an understanding among the members of the public as to why it is necessary for the country to take a leading role in settling regional refugees. According to Varvelli (2016), the ongoing wars in…
International Relations: The Coming of the Micro-States
Summary of the Article Montenegros proclamation of independence inspired statelets like Kosovo to demand the same (Weir par. 1). Kosovos independence had not been recognized by the international community. Hence, it resorted to the conflict to demand recognition, just like Montenegro. The greatest fear then, however, was that, should the international community accept Kosovos bid…
Russian Involvement Effects in Eastern Ukraine
Table of Contents Introduction Body of the paper Conclusion Annotated bibliography Introduction The years 2014 and 2015 were marked by the dramatic escalation of geopolitical tensions between Russia and the U.S. This particular development has been brought about by the 2014 military seizure of political power in Ukraine by the Ukrainian neo-Nazis (supported and financed…
The US-Russia Ongoing Confrontation
Table of Contents Introduction Body of the paper Conclusion Works Cited Introduction As of today, more and more people grow to realize that the ongoing confrontation between Russia and the U.S. accounts for the most acute geopolitical problem/issue of modern times. After all, one does not have to be a genius to understand that, if…
International Relations in Europe and North Africa
Table of Contents Introduction Look Who Is Coming to Europe by Antonio Guterres Sudans Abyei Dispute: Bashir Vows to Remain UN Human Rights Chief Urges Immediate End to Violence in Abyei Works Cited Introduction Following globalization that integrates operations across borders of countries in terms of politics, social and economic issues, relationships, as established between…
The US and Middle Eastern States Cooperation
Why is the Palestinian question the central focus of Arab complaints against the United States, and do you think that terrorist attacks in our homeland will cease if problems of Palestinian is not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved? There exist some areas of close cooperation between the United States and some Middle…