Category: Intelligence

  • Intelligence Testing in Professional Psychology

    Table of Contents Introduction Intelligence Testing Conclusion References Introduction Professional psychology implements tools to assess individuals attitudes and intelligence. Psychological tests can be traced back to the Han dynasty in ancient China, where public officials were given competency assessment tasks (Reynolds et al., 2021). Later, psychiatrists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries introduced various types…

  • Intelligence: Are We Smarter Than Our Parents?

    The Flynn effect states that the levels of intelligence quotient (IQ) have been rising over time and increasing among the consequent generations. The change may be attributed to several factors like the changes in technology, lifestyles, learning methods and the increasing number of scientists and inventions of our time among other changes noted over several…

  • Nature vs. Nurture in the Human Intelligence Context

    Intelligence, nature vs. nurture, and genetics play a significant role in human intelligence and the overall thinking process. This argument is explicitly informed by several studies involving these central concepts of the general being. Although some of the concepts are controversial, for instance, that human language is learned through reinforcement, most of the arguments revolving…

  • Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Analysis

    The topic that I am researching is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In what follows is a literature review on the topic. I specifically analyze articles that investigate the question of whether the Bush administration has committed abuses with regards to the FISA or not. The hypothesis that I start off with is that…

  • The Concept of Intelligence: Main Aspects

    Intelligence is one of the most discussed subjects in psychology and other cognitive disciplines. It has been studied and conceptualized since ancient times. However, there is neither a standard definition of this notion nor a consensus on its types. This essay aims to consider the concept of intelligence and dwell on its most peculiar aspects.…

  • The Cognition and Intelligence Concepts

    Cognition and intelligence are two related terms related to human and animal mental processes. According to the dictionary, cognition is a form of awareness, such as perceiving, conceiving, remembering, reasoning, judging, imagining, and problem-solving (APA, 2015, p. 201). Intelligence is defined as the ability to derive information, learn from experience, adapt to the environment, understand,…

  • Being a Genius: Thinking and Intelligence

    Table of Contents Introduction Core Concepts of Being a Genius Thought Process and Thinking Strategies Intelligence Components and Measurements Conclusion Reference Introduction Many prominent psychologists have been discussing the theme of genius and the elements regarding it. Zimbardo, Johnson, and McCann have also contributed to the exploration of the topic. To understand the principles of…

  • Intelligence Definition and Measurement

    Abstract This paper is an assessment of the nature of intelligence. It is an exploration of what intelligence means in a psychological context. The measurements of intelligence will be related to the definitions to see how they contribute to these definitions. It will look at a selected few intelligence and achievement tests: Abbreviated Torrance test…

  • Theories of Intelligence and Their Application

    Table of Contents The Information Processing Theory Sternbergs Triarchic Theory Multiple Intelligence Theory Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Theory References The field of human intelligence has evolved with time and different scholars have come up with varied definitions and theories on the subject. In addition, the application of the theories of intelligence cuts across different fields especially…

  • Central Intelligence Agency in Tibet in the 1950s

    Table of Contents Clarifying the Issue Success or Failure? CIA Responsibility in the Creation of Present Day Tibet Conclusion Works Cited The issue in question was the impact of the CIAs involvement in Tibets political affairs during a critical period in the nations history. This query refers to the time period when Mao Tse Tungs…