Category: Integrity

  • Academic Integrity in a Nursing Program

    Table of Contents Introduction Evidence Promoting Academic Integrity References Introduction I think there is academic integrity in my nursing program. Academic integrity is a requirement that all students should observe in the course of their studies. The broad definition of academic integrity is the dedication to honesty and morally upright behavior in academic endeavors (Wong,…

  • Academic Integrity Tutorial on Plagiarism

    Plagiarism example mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial mentions several different examples of plagiarism. This is done in order to familiarize students with the potential ways to make a mistake and lose points for assignments. According to the Integrity Tutorial, all the information found in the works of other authors…

  • Scholarly Writing: Paraphrasing, Quoting, Integrity

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Birds flying high, you know how I feel Sun in the sky, you know how I feel Breeze driftin on by, you know how I feel Its a new dawn Its a new day Its a new life for me, yeah Its a new dawn Its…

  • Corporate Sponsorship and Academic Integrity

    At present, the issue of corporate sponsorship in the sphere of education is highly debatable. Post-secondary educational institutions accept the offerings of large business corporations because of prestigious funding they obtain (Fleisher 436). However, instead of bringing benefits to the public sector, corporate sponsorship seems to be of more harm to it. These days, corporate…

  • Academic Integrity Analysis

    Timothy Sunny, a student, is supposedly involved in the academic violation of the UTA Honor Code. Mr. Sunny hands in his assignment on SafeAssign, and a similarity report generated indicates a 20% match. This means that almost the entire work submitted by the student is like existing sources and documents. The students work shows higher…

  • Academic Integrity in Nursing Education: Is It Declining?

    When students see their peers cheating, they need to take immediate action. In the studied scenario, two students saw another student use his phone during an exam. Assuming that they did not misunderstand or misjudge the event, they witnessed a common type of classroom cheating, which consists of obtaining answers from sources other than ones…

  • Academic Integrity, Misconduct and Plagiarism

    Table of Contents Introduction Plagiarism Academic Integrity Academic Misconduct Plagiarism Avoidance Conclusion and Reflections Reference List Introduction Violations of the principles of academic integrity represent a series of incorrect actions on the part of any participant in the scientific and educational process. Examples of dishonest academic behaviour are plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fraud in exams or final…