Category: Inspiration

  • The Guide To A Phenomenon Of Inspiration

    Today I`m gonna talk to you about a very important part of our everyday life which is called inspiration. Surprised that I call it an everyday thing? Well, you may not notice it but each of us, from a small child, painting a picture in a kindergarten to a successful businesswoman who runs her own…

  • The Guide To A Phenomenon Of Inspiration

    Today I`m gonna talk to you about a very important part of our everyday life which is called inspiration. Surprised that I call it an everyday thing? Well, you may not notice it but each of us, from a small child, painting a picture in a kindergarten to a successful businesswoman who runs her own…

  • How Can Inspiration Sustain Us in Difficult Times: Essay

    How do you stay inspired? If the external circumstances and situations look bleak and your patience is thin, what stops you? How do you keep your dreams and goals alive in difficult times? I am constantly challenged in this area of inspiration when things are rather difficult. Patience is definitely not one of my strong…

  • Teacher Inspiration Essay

    Introduction Teachers play a profound role in shaping the lives of their students. Beyond imparting knowledge, they have the incredible ability to inspire, motivate, and ignite a passion for learning. Throughout my educational journey, I have been fortunate to encounter several exceptional teachers who have left an indelible mark on my life. In this narrative…

  • Stella Youngs Speech: I Am Not Your Inspiration

    Do we not all expect motivation from a disabled person if at all he or she stepped on a platform? Stella Young answers this question in her speech, I am not your inspiration, thank you very much. She gives detailed information on the topic of handicap people as a source of inspiration from her point…

  • Martin Luther King Jr.s Jailhouse Letter  Inspirational Insights

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference Introduction In the Letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. postulates that although civil protest is an illegitimate form of confronting the institutions of inequality, it is an ethically correct action because of the injustice that it brings to oppressed groups. To be more specific, this legendary…

  • Theological Translatability, Inspiration, and Authority in Religious Traditions

    Table of Contents Global South and Theological Translatability Inspiration Degrees of Authoritativeness of Scriptures References Global South and Theological Translatability The field of global politics is in constant change and adaptation to new realities and contexts. Because of it, various political terms and concepts have outdated, modified, novel, or deceptive meanings. A striking example of…

  • Socrates Metaphors as an Inspiration

    Socrates and Plato were always perceived as wise philosophers and changed the perceptions of the society and the insufficiency of the government while underlining the gravity of the principles of good and bad. Socrates dialogue with Glaucon about the darkness of the cave and puppet-like nature of the world was the primary inspiration to continue…

  • Socrates Metaphors as an Inspiration

    Socrates and Plato were always perceived as wise philosophers and changed the perceptions of the society and the insufficiency of the government while underlining the gravity of the principles of good and bad. Socrates dialogue with Glaucon about the darkness of the cave and puppet-like nature of the world was the primary inspiration to continue…