Category: Innovation

  • The Duality Of Life: Philosophy And Science

    Im a person housing two personalities in a single body: I come to have a strong fascination with science, especially physics, and from the different vantage point I am tantalized by the doctrines of philosophy. On one hand, I have a world of facts, explanation and hypothesis and on the other I have a world…

  • How Does A Passion For One’s Work Stimulate Innovation?

    Discussion The present study represents an examination on how an employees passionate attitude towards work is associated with individual innovative behavior. The aim of the present research was to study through which mechanisms individual innovative behavior occurs within organizations. More specifically, it was hypothesized that a passion for ones work stimulates innovation in employees and…

  • Social Responsibilities Of Science And Scientists

    The problem of responsibility of a scientist to society is complex and diverse. It consists of a considerable number of factors and is closely intertwined with the broader problem of ethical and moral aspects of science. A scientist is expected to be extremely demanding to the reliability of the data, to use a scientific approach…

  • The Role And Effects Of Technology On Lifestyle

    Technology has captured the attention of many people in the world especially the young generation and this has affected their lifestyle. They use electronic devices such as phones, laptops, iPods, tablets, computers and many others. The electronic devices are so addictive that they dont use it because they need it or it is necessary for…

  • Role And Impacts Of It In Sports

    Technology is not only limited on the field of engineering, medical, management. I think technology is equally important as technical field. IT plays very important role in sports. Role of information technology plays very important role in enhancing sports performance of players, coaches, and all mentors. IT helps to avoid mistake in organization and administration…

  • Essay on Innovation in Transportation Technology

    A world without vehicles and transportation could be harsh for people to survive as trading and traveling are important for certain countries and regions to survive. Many vehicles used for transportation are very convenient and beneficial to our society, however, there is a price to pay for transportation such as money, resources, and more. Because…

  • Science And Society: Aspects And Effects

    This essay will attempt to discuss in detail the history of certain prevalent pseudosciences currently taking place in society today: The anti-vaccination trend, the Flat-Earth theory and movement, and Astrology. It will also discuss how these pseudosciences have impacted modern societys perceptions of the notions created by actual science, and how easy it is for…

  • How Thinkers, Science, And Industry Shaped Our Society?

    The scientific revolution was the rise of present-day science during the early current time frame, when improvements in arithmetic, material science, space science, science (counting human life structures), and science changed cultural perspectives about nature. The logical transformation started in Europe at the finish of the Renaissance time frame, and proceeded through the late eighteenth…

  • Essay About Science and Technology

    Today sciencemade the impossible things possible. Science, technology have made the life safe, secure and comfortable. Today we are totally depended on science whether it is inside or outsidehome. Now we can enjoy every second in our life through them. Technology has totally changed the field of entertainment. Science,technology and innovation each represent a successively…

  • The Role And Impacts Of Science On Pain Management

    The Role Of Science Ibuprofen was discovered in 1961 by Stewart Adams. The problem ibuprofen was trying to solve was pain management. Pain management includes: headaches, fevers, inflammation and general aches and pains. At the time Ibuprofen was first made available to the public in 1969, there were a number of alternative pain management solutions.…