Category: Information Technology

  • WestJet Companys Information Technology Governance

    Table of Contents Assessed Aspects of the WestJet IT Situation Assessment Summary and Critique Justification of the Major Changes in IT at WestJet Lessons Learned Based on the Experiences at WestJet References When Cheryl Smith, the new CIO, arrived at WestJet, she was asked by the CEO to advise whether the company had an adequate…

  • Hilton Hotels Information Technology Application

    What are the problems associated with measuring the ROI on a CRM system? ROI is the acronym for return on investment, a measure of performance that helps in evaluating the efficiency of an investment singly in comparison with other investments. The enterprise-wide impact, the effect on revenue and costs, the fact that most CRMs are…

  • Information Technology Oversight and Governance

    Highlight the role that the board of directors should play in bringing oversight to IT at IVK. Whats important about the boards role? Although IT became paramount to the business sphere, it remains the responsibility of IT departments. Nolan and McFarlan state that the majority of boards of directors remain negligent concerning IT strategies and…

  • Music Industry and Information Technology

    Introduction For starters, the word music can be defined as an art form involving organized sounds and silence, expressed in terms of pitch, quality, and rhythm. Since time immemorial, music has been used as the medium of choice by many to calm the soul of the wounded beast, as it were& Melodic works are useful…