Category: Information Technology

  • Government Interventions and Information Technologies

    Why does the U.S. government need to intervene in international trade by setting up the U.S. Commercial Service? Living in the realm of the 21st century means realizing that the question of the U.S. companies starting to export worldwide by using new information and communication technology is the question of when, not if, as Michael…

  • Health Care Using Health Information Technology

    Table of Contents Introduction Emerging Lessons Discussion Topics Conclusion References Introduction Health Information Technology (health IT) has enabled health care providers to administer patient care more efficiently. Evidently, there is increased utilization and sharing of health information. Constantly increasing amount of information is stored electronically. Indicatively, the previous period involved the storage of information on…

  • Information Technology Training in Primary Care

    Introduction Summary Nursing skills, IT training, and education are important factors having in-depth implications on the quality of health care. Many studies have been conducted on this topic, mostly in America and Canada. This paper has tried to bridge the gap between literature available on imparting information technology training in primary care settings and how…

  • Information Technology Approach to Interoperability

    Table of Contents Introduction Topic Selection and Rationale Impact on Practice Advantages and Disadvantages of the Approach Informatics Skills and Knowledge Conclusion References Introduction The adoption of digital systems in healthcare poses a number of advantages for providers and patients. However, the wide variety of solutions raises the issue of compatibility between different platforms, preventing…

  • Information Technologies and Minimizing Medical Errors

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary and Key Points Opinion and Conclusion References Introduction The article, titled Using Specialized Information Technology to Reduce Errors in Emergency Cardiac Care, describes the development and implementation of information technology (IT) that incorporates the existing Acute Cardiac Ischemia Time-Insensitive Predictive Instrument (ACI-TIPI) decision-support technology into a patient safety/quality enhancement reporting…

  • Information Technology in Emergency Cardiac Care

    The article discusses the use of specialized information technology (IT) solutions in providing quality care to patients with serious medical conditions that require emergency and acute care. In particular, the authors talk about the use of the Acute Cardiac Ischemia Time-Insensitive Predictive Instrument Information System (ACI-TIPI-IS) in the improvement of patient safety. Several IT solutions…

  • Medication Errors Prevention by Information Technology Systems

    Table of Contents Introduction Technology and Reduction of Medication Errors Bar Codes Smart Pumps The CPOE Conclusion Reference List Introduction The use of prescription medicine is widespread, complex, and increasingly risky in the modern world. Advancement in medical research and technology means that clinicians currently have access to more than 10,000 prescription medications. Further, almost…

  • Information Technologies in Patient Education

    Introduction Nowadays, information technology in the healthcare system provides the foundation for the future. The significance of modernization can be seen in retrospective by comparing healthcare provision now and thirty years ago. Most of these years were devoted to the development of computer technologies that improved patient care, whereas, for the past several years, a…

  • Information Technology Utilization in Nursing

    Introduction The use of innovative technologies is inevitable in the modern world. At the same time, it is practically impossible to state that they are harmful if used properly. Being the Director of Nursing for an outpatient (ambulatory) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center, we use Macpractice software for keeping and analyzing data. There are a…

  • Information Technology Application in Nursing

    Table of Contents Introduction Opportunities and Challenges Summary of Recommendations References Introduction Medical organizations do not bypass the rapid development of technology. Nurses can access information about a patient and view his medical history and current diagnosis in a convenient database. At a minimum, these measures can increase the chance of a correct diagnosis, and…