Category: Information Technology

  • Technical Writing in Information Technology

    The global goal of the course was to acquire and develop the skills of fundamental research and technical writing in information technology (IT). It was interesting for me to work on various research projects, as I think they are entirely consistent with the purpose of the course. While working on course assignments, I became good…

  • Information Technology in an Organization

    Had gone were the days when every activity of an organization was of the conventional type of customized computer group. Todays organization seldom survives without the association of IT. Because the main applications such as Personnel Management System, Inventory Management, General Administration, Finance matters, Production, Sales, Distribution, Marketing, Services, Customer Interaction, Human Resource Management, Recruitment,…

  • Information Technologies Importance

    Table of Contents Project Management Web Development Conclusion Works Cited Information technologies are among the fastest developing field in the world. As an industry, the term information technology implies various meanings, where information technology is an umbrella term that describes all fields relating to the organization and dissemination of information, from the worker who lays…

  • The Sphere of Information Technology

    Abstract Information technology (IT) refers to the use of computers and software in managing information. Its also referred to as management information services abbreviated as MIS. The information technology department of a multinational firm would have the responsibility of storing information, processing the information, protecting information, relaying the information as required, and afterward retrieving information…

  • Critical Success Factors of Information Technology Project Management

    Introduction Given the distinctions in judgment calls and goal-setting relevant to complexity, project managers must have a solid comprehension of project complexity and how they could control it. There is widespread agreement that complexity is essential to project management for several reasons. Including: How it affects the planning process, synchronization, and regulation. How it makes…

  • Information Technology  Network Security Tools

    Introduction Network scanning and vulnerability assessment tasks are critical to ensure protection for network resources from hostile attackers to maintain the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information in cyberspace (Skoudis 1). Attacks from the internet aim to exploit the vulnerabilities discovered in applications, which occur because of weaknesses in system configurations, use of default passwords,…

  • Fundamentals of Information Technology

    Introduction Information technology deals with computer-based information systems especially computer hardware and software applications. It entails the study, development, implementation, and management of the same. Computers are used to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information. Computer networks allow individuals in an organization to view their electronic mails and share information. The features of…

  • Information Technology Field and Disciplines

    Table of Contents Summary Disciplines Programming and Scripting Information Technology Careers References Summary The information technology (IT) field may be currently regarded as a rapidly growing sphere that offers respectable and secure positions for people with related academic credentials. In general, it covers the administration, support, and design of computer systems and telecommunications. IT includes…

  • The Information Technology Risk

    Executive Summary This report discusses cloud computing and information security in the area of information management and control. Information management is introduced and its risk to an enterprise is assessed and additionally, to provide more elaboration the ePrescribing system is provided as a case study. This report concludes that in an enterprise, the information environment…

  • Modern Trends in Information Technology

    Summary Technology is a dynamic field where players should be willing and able to adapt to the ever-changing dynamics to remain relevant. In recent years, there has been a complete technological overhaul in both hardware and software, which has led to improvement in the IT industry in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Hardware technologies have…