Category: Immigration

  • Pros And Cons Of Australian Immigration Policy

    Australia has been known for many years as one of the most accepting and diverse multicultural communities on earth. Since 1945 Australia has been one of the top 4 countries with the highest immigration rate alongside Canada, the US, and New Zealand (Collins, 2019). Although studies have shown with the rapid growth of population, Australians…

  • Immigration: Moving From A Poor Economy To A Rich One

    Globalism began as a vision of a world with free trade, shared prosperity, and open borders. These are good, even noble things to aim for, said Deepak Chopra. Although open borders are a noble action, open borders are economically good for nations as well. Throughout history and today, the idea of more immigration benefits the…

  • Modern Immigration To The United Kingdom

    Since June 2016, immigration concerns with the EU have risen to the highest level since December 1999. Immigration concerns were high for both conservative and labor supporters suggesting both sides of the political compass had immigration and the impacts on their radar. Major surveys have claimed that the leave vote was a result of widespread…

  • US Racial Inequality, Legislation and Immigration

    The Significance of De Jure Segregation, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Civil Rights Act Society today can be described as a mosaic of races with different people living together as one society. This situation is starkly different from what the society practiced many years ago when they were pure in terms of race. Their…

  • Acculturation and Immigration in the UK

    Introduction: Acculturation as a Phenomenon. Definition, Examples and Expected Outcomes Immigration has always been associated with several negative issues, starting from the unemployment due to the influx of immigrant labor force to the possibility of cultural conflicts. The issue of immigration, however, is rarely considered from an immigrant. Acculturation is a complicated process that may…

  • The US Immigration Laws

    Table of Contents Description of the Legal Topic USA Immigration Law Historical Analysis Cases Integral to USA Immigration Laws Conclusion Works Cited The United States of America is a country of immigrants. People from almost every part of the world and nationality inhabit the American territories at the present moment. The nation would not exist…

  • The US Immigration Laws: Movement Regulation

    Introduction The United States of America is a country of immigrants. People from almost every part of the world and nationality inhabit the American territories at the present moment. The nation would not exist without individuals who decided to take their families and started to live new lives in the USA back in the eighteenth…

  • New Immigration Waves in the USA

    Immigrants Should Be Welcomed Americans are a nation of immigrants who came to this land hoping for better. This statement is one of the most frequently used associations emerging while speaking about the USA and its history. One of the reasons for the popularity of this idea that it is not far from reality. The…

  • Immigration Enforcement in the US

    Immigration enforcement issues have continued to grow in severity and complexity over the past several years. With the advent of new technologies, criminals obtain more possibilities to arrange and expand their illegal activity. The key task of the Department of Homeland Security is to protect the country and its citizens from criminal aliens whose actions…

  • Immigration Impact on American Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Impact of Immigration on American Society Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The acceleration of hostility towards foreigners among the old-line Americans became rapid towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century as American consciousness transformed into racial and anti-Semitism ideologies. The wave of nativism was then…