Category: Hypertension
Hypertension: High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
Pre-eclampsia is a serious hypertensive complication that can occur during pregnancy. Hypertension only occurs in 10% of women during pregnancy and although pre-eclampsia complicates only 2% to 8% of pregnancies, it is still devastating and life-threatening for both the mother and the baby. It is estimated that pre-eclampsia causes death in approximately 76,000 women per…
Problem of People with Hypertension
Hypertension is one of the most common diseases that can be controlled with the appropriately chosen treatment. The earlier it is diagnosed, the better patient outcomes will be. However, in case a patient is pregnant, it is necessary to revise the medication plan so as to provide the best conditions for the fetus. In the…
Hypertension: In Search of Effective Treatment
The principal outcome of the future project is the solution intended to decrease the number of hypertension events among patients aged 50 years and older. However, the objective is not limited to the examination of hypertension and suggesting how to address this problem more efficiently. It would also lead to a reduction in risks of…
Determining Benchmarks for Hypertension Reduction
Table of Contents Introduction Statistical Trends Quality Measures Compatibility of Data Effects of Information Quality on the HIE Conclusion References Introduction The purpose of this project is to review the current quality measures for the management of hypertension. The condition is prevalent throughout the United States, which is problematic because it can lead one to…
Hypertensions Effect on the Health Care Depressive Patients
Introduction Depression is one of the leading causes of various health problems in modern society. According to a recent report (1), depression will become the second most common health problem in the world because of the emerging lifestyle. The emerging technologies are changing the normal lifestyle and people are working extra hard to meet the…
Hypertension: Main Elements and Treatment Methodology
Table of Contents Introduction Definition Epidemiology Clinical Presentation Complications Diagnosis Conclusion with PICOT Question References Introduction The issue of hypertension is rather important within the framework of nursing practice because the patients will hypertension represents one of the most vulnerable populations (Dasgupta et al., 2014). Therefore, there is a need to investigate this issue as…
Hypertension: Consequences, Prevention and Treatment
Table of Contents Risk Factors Possible Consequences Prevention Methods Treatment Approaches Conclusion References Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a medical condition in which a persons blood pressure is continuously elevated above the norm. It is associated with a broad variety of risk factors that put most people into a potential danger group.…
Evidence-Based Interventions for Hypertension
Table of Contents Background of the Problem Identification of Stakeholders PICOT Question Purpose and Objectives Rationale Search Method References Background of the Problem Hypertension is a chronic disease prevalent among older adults, which requires blood pressure to be controlled to reduce the risks of complications, such as cardiovascular illnesses. According to CDC, the incidence of…
Hypertension Education: Evaluation Plan
The problem of uncontrolled hypertension can affect people of different ages, gender, and race (Banegas et al., 2014). The study on the merits of educating patients suffering from this ailment is considering a few possibilities. In particular, it is about the possibility of educating people and teaching them the right way of life for one…