Category: Human Behavior

  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Physics and Human Behavior

    In 1687 Isaac Newton presented the three laws of motion. These laws created a massive advancement into the Age of Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. The laws were taken very seriously and not many questioned them, since it was science. Fast forward to the modern day, behavioural laws have been introduced and people question and…

  • Is Psychology a Science: Essay

    On the off chance that one is a science or even has a passing enthusiasm for the field, one has likely experienced the inquiry regarding whether psychology is really a science or not. The discussion has been noticeable since psychologys origins in the second half of the nineteenth century, and is apparent in statements like…

  • Exploring Behavioural Public Policies

    Behavioral public policies, often known as nudges, are policies developed using behavioral economics and social psychology research, aiming to shape our psychological and behavioral tendencies to benefit individuals long-term interests, while preserving freedom of choice (Pykett et al., 2015). Thaler and Sunsteins research (2008) exploring behavioral economics and nudges was pioneering in shaping public and…

  • Striving for Perfection Essay

    The desire to achieve excellence and strive for perfection is a common human trait that spans across cultures and generations. We see it in the pursuit of academic and professional success, in the pursuit of athletic and artistic achievements, and in the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment.  In this essay, we will explore the…

  • Psychology as a Profession: Personal Statement

    The most defining factor of my schooling so far is my community involvement through two of the most significant charity associations in Hong Kong  the Hong Kong Joint School Volunteering Association (JSVA) and the Hing Kong Lion Club. Such extensive social work gave me many excellent opportunities to have meaningful interactions with the different…

  • Transformational Psychology Essay

    Transformational Psychology is a union of every single known arrangement of individual upgrade; a crate of all the most functional systems of development treatment, ceaselessly added to as new techniques and thoughts are painstakingly assessed. The entire is more prominent than the aggregate of the parts, be that as it may, since the strategies are…

  • Why Is Psychology Considered a Science: Persuasive Essay

    The Psychological Society (BPS) defines psychology as ‘the scientific study of people, the mind, and behavior’ (BPS, 2020, as cited in Gross, 2020). This essay will discuss the arguments for and against psychology being regarded as a science, which is defined as ‘the systematic study of nature and behavior of the material and physical universe,…

  • Essay on Confidentiality in Psychology

    Broadly speaking, it is no doubt true that clinical psychologists come across the complexity of human nature through their practice every day (Forman, 2010). Human thinking and behavior are not something fixed. Biological, psychological, and social factors are combined together and interact with each other leading to unique results in clients lives. When people enter…

  • What Is Noam Chomskys Contribution to Psychology: Analytical Essay

    Introduction Jessica is a 3-year-old girl who has speech and language difficulties. She has spent the majority of her life around her primary socialization which consists of her mum and gran. When she started nursery the Practitioners realised there was an issue with her speech and language, Practitioners can pick up on milestones in children…

  • When Was Psychology Accepted as an Academic Discipline: Analytical Essay

    Have you ever wondered why someone around you, or even yourself, behaved or thought about something a certain way? If you answered no to this question, you would be lying. Concern for human behavior is a universal behavior among humans that has been prevalent since at least the eighth century BC in Ancient Greece. Philosophers…