Category: Homeland Security

  • Dallas County Homeland Security and Emergency Management

    The major question that will be answered in the proposal can be formulated as Why did the tragedy with shooting policemen take place in Dallas in 2016? What were the gaps in Dallas County homeland security and emergency management? What changes both regionally and nationally did take place after the accident and why?. This topic…

  • Homeland Security  Immigration Policy

    Table of Contents Introduction Homeland security Immigration policy Immigration policy in the United States Evolution of immigration policy in the United States Categories of lawful admission to the United States Enforcement of immigration Laws Summary Conclusion Reference List Introduction Every country in the world has immigration laws; they are particularly used to regulate entry of…

  • Comparing Homeland Security Research Products

    Table of Contents Analysis: NYPD Radicalization Report-Executive Summary Analysis: DHS Right-wing Extremism report Comparison of the Reports References Analysis: NYPD Radicalization Report-Executive Summary The major goal of the research was to examine the al-Qaeda-inspired threat at the point where radicalization begins and to understand the specifics of the process of radicalization in order to prevent…

  • Department of Homeland Security: Bureaucratic Structure

    Table of Contents The Most Suitable Models The Concept of Bureaucracy Alternatives to Bureaucracy Comparison of the Alternatives The Future of DHS Bureaucratic System References The objective of this memorandum is to communicate the views of an analysis regarding the effectiveness of the bureaucratic structure in the DHS. The analysis is based on recent public…

  • US Homeland Security Strategies and Structures

    Do you believe that the U.S. government is properly organized or structured to accomplish the six critical mission areas defined in the 2002 version of the National Strategy for Homeland Security, or the four goals outlined in the 2007 version? Why or why not? The U.S. government is ready to accomplish the major missions defined…

  • Homeland Security and Change

    Introduction The original homeland security organization was characterized by uncoordinated responses amongst its respective agencies and cooperation was a difficult aspect to achieve. Consequently, the paper will look at how operations were carried out before and after the change was instated in homeland security within the country. Analysis of the homeland security before and after…

  • Analysis Homeland Security Act of 2002

    Table of Contents Overview Summary of the Act Border & Transportation Security Emergency Preparedness & Response Science and Technology Information Analysis & Infrastructure Protection Strengths and weaknesses of the Act Recommendations and conclusions References Overview The Department of Homeland Security was created by the federal government in a bid to tame domestic security, this being…

  • Homeland Security: Organizational Change

    Post 11th September 2001 attacks on the twin towers of World Trade Center; the FBI has faced a brunt of a lot of criticism from the public and media alike. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the primary unit in the United States Department of Justice, has designed goals to protect and defend the United States…

  • Strategic Planning in the Homeland Security Organization

    Introduction Strategic planning refers to an organized focus of an organization in the future. It is the determinant of where the organization is going to be in the future, the means to get there, and how it will be sure that it will get there. Some may confuse the focus of the strategic plan with…

  • US Homeland Security Issues

    Table of Contents Introduction Departmental Image Cyber Security Immigration Issues Border Security Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has the responsibility of ensuring that all Americans remain safe while in the American soil. It also plays major responsibilities in protecting all crucial infrastructures from destruction by enemies. In the execution of…