Category: Home

  • New IT System for Use in Nursing Home and Assisted Living



    The increase of aged people in nursing homes and assisted living has been alarming due to change in living standards. Most families would rather pay for their aged members of the familys nursing care than be taking care of them at home. The overwhelming activities of tracing them and providing the different care which they…

  • Fall Prevention Program for the Elderly in a Nursing Home



    Table of Contents Introduction Evidence-Based Interventions Required Training Items Needed Estimated Cost for Program Implementation Marketing Plan and Outcome Conclusion References Introduction The elderly are usually at a higher risk of falling at home and their respective nursing homes or clinics. These events are capable of causing both serious and non-fatal injuries. The affected individuals…

  • St. Patricks Nursing Home: the Recruitment of People



    It is important to consider some factors when making plans for the recruitment of people to work at St. Patricks Nursing Home in order achieve the good results. According to Nazarko (2002, p. 112), the process of recruiting employees can be very complex at times. There are some factors that should be considered in order…

  • Home Falls Prevention, Visits and Education



    Table of Contents Introduction Home Falls Prevention Importance Home Visit Programs Physical Training Home Modification Multi-Interventional Protocol Conclusion References Introduction Home falls are one of the most complex health care issues, and researchers have looked into the most efficient ways of reducing home falls. There are many ways of reducing the reported cases of home…

  • Balancing Home and Work Life for Students



    Table of Contents General Rules of Time Management Time Management During Working Hours Time Management at Home Health Care Work Cited After conducting my own research, I collected and summarized the information about day planning that seemed most applicable in my situation. Due to their application, I will successfully cope with the roles of mother,…

  • Stay-At-Home or Employed Mothers  The Choice Is Theirs



    The question of the rightful way of raising children has always been of major importance, as one might say, the next generation holds the destiny of humankind in their hands. However, societys perception of stay-at-home-mothering (SAHM) can fluctuate, inspiring a lot of confusion among the mothers themselves. Typically, they are unsure as to how to…

  • Patient Falls and Teaching Program in Nursing Home: SWOT Analysis



    Introduction Staff training is an essential part of the responsibilities that are assigned to advanced practice nurses since it provides the opportunity to educate nurses and improve care services. In order to ensure the proper implementation of the educational program for identifying the risk factors that lead to patient falls, it is important to conduct…

  • My Dream Home: Personal View



    Most people need a place where they can relax, feel safe and comfortable. A place, where they want to go after a hard day at work or an intense day with their friends. Most people call such place home. Although it is not easy to build or make a house or an apartment a good…

  • Home by Yann Arthus-Bertrand



    Geography has always shaped the way human beings look and interact with the universe at large. The movie Home produced by Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a fascinating scientific escapade that explicitly describes the transition of nature under the hands of mans experimentation. As the earths population continues to escalate, human actions continue to destabilize the existing…

  • From Scratch: A Memoir of Love, Sicily, and Finding Home and Elements of a Memoir



    Tembi Lockes From Scratch: A Memoir of Love, Sicily, and Finding Home follows her autobiographical story and her relationship with her husband, Rosario. Rosario, who is often referred to as Saro, becomes terminally ill with cancer and this causes tremendous problems in both their lives as well as in the lives of their families (Locke…