Category: Home

  • St. Lucys Home for Girls Raised by Wolves by Russell



    Table of Contents Introduction Realism infused with magic Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The collection of short stories, St. Lucys Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, by Karen Russell presents tales narrated by adolescents that presents realistic detail of the miraculous phantasmagoric existence. Each story is infused with fantasy  dating of ghosts and humans in…

  • The Importance of Home in OConnors Literary Works



    Flannery OConnor is one of the most contradictory authors in the history of American literature. The topics of her works vary from racism and disability to the old-fashioned religious narratives (Mambrol). Despite such a variety of directions, she successfully managed to develop a number of characteristics attributed solely to her pieces. Thus, the main characters…

  • Long Walk Home a Book by David Laskin



    Table of Contents Key Argument Summary Source Assessment Strength and weakness of the book Relevance of the Book Works Cited Key Argument Summary The onset of the 20th century was marked by incursion of immigrants into America. The majority of the immigrants, thought by most Americans to be naïve, came from non-English speaking countries (Laskin…

  • Journey Home by Yoshiko Uchida



    Yoshiko Uchidas Journey Home is written about a Japanese American family which undergoes various hurdles during their way back to home. The author Yoshiko Uchida herself belonged to an immigrant family. The novel is an autobiographical account of Uchida who saw the horrors of the aftermath of the Second World War. Journey Home is a…

  • Home Modification and Preventive Home Visits



    Table of Contents Preventive Home Visits Home Modification Multi-Interventional Protocol References Preventive Home Visits Home falls are one of the most complex health care issues, and researchers have looked into the most efficient ways of reducing home falls. One of the suggested ways of reducing the reported cases of the home falls in the development…

  • Home-Based Care For Frail and Ageing Patients Study Critique



    Table of Contents Introduction The question addressed by the systematic review Is it unlikely that important relevant studies were missed? The criteria used to select articles for inclusion Studies sufficiency for the investigation Results similarity Results presentation Results validity Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The article reviews quantitative research studies on home-based families to care for…

  • Personality Psychology: Relation to Nursing Home Residents



    Table of Contents What is personality psychology? Careers and famous professionals Personal Interest The Research Personal Thoughts on the Research Future Ideas for Research References What is personality psychology? For this presentation, I have decided to talk about personality psychology and describe it specifically in relation to nursing home residents. Therefore, it is first necessary…

  • Patient-Centered Medical Home as Quality Initiative



    Table of Contents Introduction Key Features Sponsors Intended Areas to Improve Results Conclusion References Introduction The changing health needs of different patients are something that requires evidence-based care delivery and treatment models that result in reduced medical costs. Leaders in the healthcare sector have been focusing on different initiatives that can improve quality and maximize…

  • Patient-Centered Medical Home: Recognition Standards



    The medical home concept is recognized as an effective method of patient-centered health care. At present, there are standards of patient-centered medical home (PCMH), based on the criteria that it must meet to be credentialed. These standards have been formulated by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), and, at present, remain the benchmark for…

  • Patient Safety Incidents in the Home: Nursing Case



    From a personal perspective, the study dedicated to the examination of patient safety incidents in the home and their potential reasons is an appropriate first attempt to explore the area of home hospice nursing. However, it has several specific flaws, and its findings cannot be regarded as fully credible. First of all, the researchers identified…