Category: History 3303
American Civil Rights Debate in History
The struggle for civil rights has existed throughout American history. The fight for civil rights has often been highly charged dispute that has resulted in heartless behaviors, bloody wars, assassinations, and racial segregation. Today, racism and inclusiveness are issues that trigger never-ending debates amongst Americans. After the freeing of the American slaves, they gained freedom…
The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond
Table of Contents Introduction Key Ideas Criticism Conclusion References Introduction If one is a regular visitor to the history section in a bookstore, it is hard to pass on Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond. Despite the fact that the book first came out in 1997, it still manages…
Equal America: Keeping the History True
American history, for its relatively short lifespan, involved many instances of injustice and atrocities. Since its conception, it has thrived on outrageous instances of discrimination and dehumanization with the reasons lying in multi-billion-dollar revenue that these practices produced. Ever since the moment the first captured Africans stepped on American soil and to the present…
The Boston Busing Crisis of the Mid-1970s
My historical essays topic is the impact of the Irish immigrants on New Yorks economy of the 1840s-1860s. A secondary source I applied in my research was the article The economic assimilation of Irish Famine migrants to the United States written by Collins and Zimran in 2019, published at Explorations in Economic History. I found…
Debates Within Early 20th-Century Marxist Parties
Table of Contents Introduction The Debate Evolutionary Socialism by Bernstein Luxemburgism and the Roots of Democratic Revolutionary Socialism Bolshevism-Leninism Trotskyism Conclusions Works Cited Introduction Socialism is classified by most modern historians as a system of economic and social policies and political beliefs that focuses on collective control over the means of production as well as…
Postwar Italy and the Rise of Fascism
After the end of the First World War, many countries have found themselves on a brink of an unprecedented crisis. With a lot of funds, resources, and human lives being spent fighting in an international conflict of an at the time unimaginable scale, most countries suffered from deep economic, political and humanistic trouble. One such…
The Lost World of the Suffragettes
The suffrage movement was all about womens right to vote. The struggle to be allowed to vote was hard for adult women. The people were denied their rights to participate in elections based on their salaries, age, and gender, and all this led to protests and people advocating for their freedom. The movement was a…
Andrew Jackson: The Man Who Made a Difference
The history of the United States has a plethora of people that stood out of the crowd in one way or another, yet all of them seem to come from the same ilk all except one. As a rule, these amazing people share combined elements of a true leader such as wisdom, diplomacy, political…
Imposing Decency by Eileen Suarez Findlay
Introduction The book Imposing Decency: The Politics of Sexuality and Race in Puerto Rico between early 1870 to around 1920 clearly illustrates that a close relationship existed between race, class, and sexuality in Puerto Rico in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this book, there is description of decency, including how it shapes…
Canadian Study: Course on Indigenous Studies
The process of reconciliation between First Nations and Europeans is complex and quite lasting. A lot of effort has been made to make these two groups find some common ground and truly become one nation. However, it is clear that this goal is yet to be reached. Education is seen as one of the platforms…