Category: History 3303

  • The Mexicans and Mexican Americans History

    Introduction In the United States, Mexicans form a substantial part of the population mainly due to the continued migrations of the Mexicans into the country and through the increase of population of the indigenous Mexican communities that have lived in the United States ever since some of the Mexican states were ceded to the United…

  • European Settlers and America: The Settlement of America by European

    The settlement of America by Europeans was a turning point in the worlds history. The colonization of the land by various countries and the subsequent foundation of the United States of America, Canada, and other nations changed the world as we know it. However, an often-overlooked aspect of the colonization is its impact on the…

  • The American Foreign Policy: Annexation of Foreign Areas

    The annexation of foreign areas has been a controversial topic among American scholars and historians as concepts of imperialism, Americas rise to world power, the annexation of territories, and colonialism are used interchangeably. Whereas some believe that American actions from 1890 to 1916 were inclined to imperialism, others have strongly opposed it by asserting that…

  • The International Connection of African History

    Table of Contents Introduction The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade War Capitalism World War and Decolonization Works Cited Introduction The African continent had been connected to the rest of the world since ancient times, and by the XI century, it was deeply embedded in international trade. Its central geographical position allowed access to and from all over…

  • Reasons Behind Independence of America

    The American declaration of independence was not a spontaneous act but rather a result of an incompetent rule on behalf of the British government. After suffering substantial losses from the war with the French, the Parliament had to find a way to house and pay for their soldiers and develop monetary policies to increase the…

  • The Teleological Narratives of History Books

    The significance of design and purpose has been placed quite high in the study of the key historical events and their weight in the context of the global environment. Therefore, the analysis of the essential readings that contain historical accounts of the crucial changes in peoples perception of foreign cultures and the idea of otherness,…

  • The Dark Ages in the History of Europe

    The history of Europe is full of the most diverse moments. Following what was characteristic of a particular age, historians assign names to each of the periods of history. Under this, the period from 400 to 1400 years is often called the Dark Ages. The purpose of this essay is to identify the relevance and…

  • William Swintons Thesis on the Human History Development

    The current paper is an argumentative essay that aims to provide a reasonable disagreement with William Swintons thesis on human history development. According to Swinton, there is only one civilization of progress, and it belongs to European people (Aryan races). The statement appears to be unreasonable due to the existence of numerous well-known facts in…

  • The Indian Removal Act of 1830

    The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was a monumental legislation that violated the legal and political rights of Native Americans that was sanctioned by President Andrew Jackson. It authorized him to resettle Native Americans to the lands west of Mississippi so that their ancestral lands could be occupied by white settlers (Nelson, 2018). The goal…

  • Chicanx Movement Analysis: Equal Rights and Freedoms for the Respective Marginalized Racial Groups

    Chicanx Movement Also widely known as El Movimiento, the Chicanx, or Chicano, Movement was aimed at liberating people of Mexican descent from the clutches of structural racism in the 1940s and 50s (Ruiz 101). The Chicanx Movement is often compared to the Black Power Movement. Indeed, both originated roughly at the same time. In addition,…