Category: Hispanics

  • Diabetic Retinopathy Among Hispanics in Miami

    Table of Contents Introduction Vulnerable Population Overview Strengths, Risk Factors, and/or Barriers Community Resources Community Health Problem Diagnosis Summary References Introduction The community that will be addressed in this paper comprises individuals living in the city of Miami, Florida. As the windshield survey revealed, the community does not appear to be suffering from serious social…

  • Adolescent Pregnancy in Hispanics and Afro-Americans

    Table of Contents Introduction Significance Official Position Personal Position Conclusion References Introduction In a multicultural country such as the United States, racial and social disparities are inevitable. Specifically, black and Hispanic populations are widely perceived to be at a disadvantage in terms of economic status, education, employment, and health. When it comes to adolescent pregnancy,…

  • Hispanic as a Vulnerable Population in the US

    Introduction Vulnerable populations encompass racial and ethnic minorities, economically disadvantaged, homeless, the elderly, those with HIV, as well as those with other chronic health conditions such as severe mental illnesses (Vulnerable populations, 2006). In addition, individuals in remote areas who encounter barriers while accessing healthcare services are part of vulnerable populations. Mainly, aspects such as…

  • The Hispanic Community of Miami

    Overview Description of the Community The Hispanic community of Miami is the most dominant in the city due to large-scale migrations that occurred during the 1920s. The population is spread out through multiple areas and nowadays occupies rural, urban, and suburban areas. Physical Environmental Considerations: The Community as a Place Description: General Identifying Data The…

  • Obesity Trends Among Non-Hispanic Whites and Blacks

    Table of Contents Objectives (Hypothesis) Evaluation of the Research Methods Conclusion References The article, Four decades of obesity trends among non-Hispanic whites and blacks in the United States: Analyzing the influences of educational inequalities in obesity and population improvements in education, authored by Yu (2016) reports the findings of a study carried out to investigate…

  • Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers in Hispanic Elderly People

    Pressure ulcers among elderly patients can be quite painful and may contribute to other medical conditions if not managed properly. Among bedridden elderly patients, it is critical that nurses and care providers change the position of the patient several times in order to reduce cases of pressure ulcers. Conditions and degrees of severity differ significantly…

  • Transcultural Nursing and Hispanic Patients Outcomes

    Introduction Background The essential aspect of developing and delivering healthcare to the patients is to improve the outcomes in terms of efficiency of the process, enhancing the rate of recovery, and improving the quality of life for the patient. Cultural competence is an important aspect of the patients within a given community or society. Study…

  • Roberto Clemente as a Hispanic Hero

    Roberto Clemente is a prominent figure and an inspiration to various people, especially marginalized ones. He was one of the best players in the history of baseball, and he is included in the Hall of Fame to commemorate his achievements. However, his sports performance was not the only distinguishing factor of his personality and life.…

  • The Hispanic Community in Homestead Florida

    Table of Contents Overview The Community as a Place The People of the Community References The Hispanics live in the suburbs of Miami. The Hispanics are successful farmers and business people in the City of Homestead. There are also elected and nominated leaders to offer city services to the people. Overview The United States government…

  • Hispanic Population in the USA

    The Hispanic population is the largest national-linguistic minority on the territory of the USA, which has a long and complicated history. The Hispanics living in the USA are the representatives of two unequal groups. The first, which is rather small, is represented with the descendants of the Spanish, who had been living north of Rio…