Category: High School

  • Essay on the Worst Year of High School

    She asked to meet in her car at a park she used to go to all the time while she was in high school. It was nearing dark when I went to sit down next to her in the passenger seat of her car. She asked me to remain anonymous and use a fake name…

  • Teenage Pregnancy in High School Essay

    Pregnancy among teenagers has been a global social, economic, and educational problem among developed, growing, and underdeveloped countries. Our country has a limited study about teenage pregnancy and sex education. That’s why we conducted this study to find out what the possible rules, considerations, or policies the public school in San Carlos City can give…

  • Essay on Pros and Cons of High School Students Working

    The number fourteen is a wonderful number for Floridian teenagers all around the state, as it is the bare minimum age at which children can start working legally. Child labor laws had originally been declared unconstitutional in 1918 before Congress had decided to pass the Fair Labor Act in 1938. Although teens can be hired…