Category: Heart of Darkness

  • Themes and Ideas in Heart of Darkness and The Drovers Wife

    Joseph Conrad and Henry Lawson use environment and setting to challenge the motivations and values of the characters in their texts. Specifically, Conrad uses the philosophical, independent-minded and sceptical character of Marlow to juxtapose the hypocrisy of 1890s British imperialism in his novella, Heart of Darkness. Conrad typically embellished personal experience in his novels, with…

  • Argumentative Essay on Necessity to Study Heart of Darkness in School

    Thought-provoking, challenging, engaging, and interesting are words that could be used to describe novels read as part of grade 10 academic English curriculum. Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness adopts this definition as is illustrated through the journey of Marlow, the protagonist in the novel, to eventually meet and ultimately interact with the remarkable Kurtz. Books…