Category: Heart Disease

  • Congestive Heart Failure: Planning a Research

    Table of Contents Problem Identification Significance of the Problem to Nursing Purpose of the Research Research Questions Masters Essentials Aligned with the Topic Conclusion References Researching the problem of congestive heart failure in older adults is an essential topic in modern medicine. Since the number of people with this ailment is significant, the nursing role…

  • Heart Failure Education: Project Implementation

    Table of Contents Introduction Program Implementation Timeframe of the Project Conclusion References Introduction Education targeted at informing patients about the risks associated with congestive heart failure is expected to be multi-dimensional since different patients have various needs. The complexity of patients who are admitted to medical units continues increasing, which provides a challenge to nurses.…

  • Heart Failure Study and Human Rights Protection

    Table of Contents Introduction Ethical Considerations Limitations Implications for Practice References Introduction Discussing ethical issues associated with the research can help to identify any gaps that need to be addressed to improve the results and conduct of the study. Dismissing ethical concerns during the planning stage can reduce the quality of the study and pose…

  • Heart Failure Patients and Phone Intervention

    Table of Contents Introduction The Research Question The Research Design of the Study The Sample of the Study The Data Collection Methods The Limitations of the Study The Description of the Research Findings Summary & Conclusion References Introduction The majority of patients with chronic heart failures have various difficulties due to their needs to be…

  • Nurse-Coached Muscle Training in Heart Failure

    Written in 2009 by Padula, Yeaw, and Mistry, the article, A home-based nurse-coached inspiratory muscle training intervention in heart failure, looks into a homemade nurse-coached inspiratory muscle training mitigation in heart failure, and it forms the basis of this review. The article considers heart failure (HF) as the most devastating and the last passageway of…

  • Congestive Heart Failure and Evidence-Based Therapies

    Background Congestive heart failure, also known as CHF, is increasingly becoming a major health problem in the United States. According to Thomsen, Nicolaisen, Hasvold, and Sorensen (2017), CHF is a condition where the heart fails to pump enough blood to all body cells, making the nutrients and oxygen insufficient in the body. The condition is…

  • Heart Failure Readmissions: Nursing Study Planning

    Table of Contents Introduction to the Problem Identification of the Problem Significance of the Problem to Nursing Purpose of the Research Research Questions Masters Essentials References Introduction to the Problem The number of hospitalizations of patients with heart failure is an urgent problem in the modern healthcare sector. People with this disease make up a…

  • Diagnosis and Clinical Management Strategies of Congestive Heart Failure

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Modern world is quick, rush and depressive and people cannot always follow it. The main organ in peoples organism, which suffer from such style of life, is a heart. Peoples heart is in the highest danger then other organs, because of different stresses and constant…

  • American Association of Heart Failure Nurses

    Nursing associations may play a considerable role in the professional development of a nurse by providing education and creating information-sharing networks. An example of such an organization is the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (AAHFN). The organization seeks to set and maintain standards for heart failure nursing based on research and clinical practice and…

  • Anemia, Cardiomyopathy, and Congestive Heart Failure

    Everyone looks forward to good health in life. However, it is important to note that one must also be able to manage his or her health status. There are very many serious health conditions. Anemia is one of the most serious diseases. The paper would cover the condition on Ms. A. Anemic Condition of Ms.…