Category: Health & Medicine 13691

  • The Insides of Ayurvedic Medicine

    Introduction The video introduced by Palfreman Film Group about the insides of ayurvedic medicine discusses the peculiarities of one of the existing alternative types of medicine that can be offered to people. Though ayurveda comes from India, it is practiced in many countries today. This video helps to comprehend that ayurveda may not be the…

  • Adaptation Model-Based Patient Education

    Table of Contents Introduction Importance of Nursing Theory Summary of Roys Adaptation Theory Application of Adaptation Theory to Nursing Practice Conclusion References Introduction A theoretical framework is vital for every profession because it describes relevant concepts and ensures an understanding of the most critical topics, providing a background for practice. A nursing theory, in this…

  • Electronic Medical Records in the United States

    Introduction Today, the technological progress and the development of information systems allow for considerably facilitating numerous processes and operations in a variety of spheres, including health care. In particular, the innovational information systems permit for more effectually storing and retrieving the information pertaining to patients, their medical history, and drug prescriptions; for the alleviated provision…

  • Nurse Leader/Executives General Responsibilities

    1. Nurse Leader/Executive: General Responsibilities Helps carry out the healthcare facilitys mission; Communicates with teams and encourages change; Provides educational courses for nurses; Participates in developing and integrating policies; Helps the staff to provide high-quality care. Note: Nurse executives/leaders are responsible for managing and administering patient care services by planning and developing new procedures, policies,…

  • Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Project Barriers

    A concept map is a graphical tool for the organization and presentation of information, which helps to present the relationship between the event and different factors and to display the interaction of several elements vividly (Anderson, Day, & Vandenberg, 2011). In this paper, the concept map reflects the factors that may prevent the implementation of…

  • Chronic Patient Education Intervention and Treatment

    Table of Contents Clinical Question Type of Study Theoretical Framework References Clinical Question The clinical question can be explicitly stated with the help of PICOT format. Thus, for this research, PICOT will be stated as follows: In elderly patients with chronic diseases (P), does patient education intervention in addition to medication treatments (I), compared with…

  • Kendall Regional Medical Center: Dissemination Plan

    The aim of the dissemination is to promote the uptake of the project findings for improved prevention of respiratory complications related to conscious sedation at KRMC. The message will center on pre-, intra-, and post-procedure guidelines, staff education, institutionalization of technology, and evidence-based practice (Sanborn et al., 2015). Target Audience The results will be shared…

  • Circumcision, Its History and Controversy

    Table of Contents Introduction Brief Characterization Brief Historical Overview Controversial Aspects Conclusion References Introduction Circumcision is a surgical procedure of removing the foreskin on the genitals, usually performed on male children and adults. However, female circumcision is also practiced in certain world regions. As this procedure is controversial from the medical and sociological standpoint, it…

  • VEGA Medical Center: DNP Research Proposal

    Table of Contents Setting Organizational Need Stakeholders Organizational Support Sustainability SWOT Risks References Setting The proposed project is going to take place at the VEGA medical center, which is located in Miami, IL. It is a primary care center that focuses on Family Medicine and Internal Medicine provided in a variety of settings from offices…

  • Transitional Care Model Effectiveness in Elderly Patients

    Introduction In the context of health care services, nurses play an important role in strengthening public health, preventing diseases, and rehabilitation. The role of nurses is extremely great in modern health care for elderly people since the former make decisions in the field of management and organization of patients health outcomes. This paper will reflect…