Category: Happiness

  • Levels Of Happiness In The Modern World

    Some people struggle, believe it can happen overnight or believe the search for happiness is never ending. Every person desire to have a fulfilling and happy life. When personal thoughts, actions, and words work in harmony, the person can be said to be happy. Happiness can be defined as a mental feeling which is characterized…

  • Ways To Raise Life Satisfaction And Happiness

    Happiness is a human’s general feeling about life, and how pleased with it. Many factors influence peoples happiness from different fields, including work, relationships, individual development, health, and others. Although the latest world ranking of happiness from (Helliwell, Huang & Wang, 2019) shows that, almost all the top 20 locations are western countries, but Canada…

  • Difference Between Joy Vs Happiness

    When people have conversation in the English language, it is not uncommon to see them use joy and happiness interchangeably. While this mistake has become commonplace, we must not never to fail to point out that there is a difference between happiness and joy. You are probably going through this guide because you are guilty…

  • The Pursuit Of Happiness Through Sports

    Sports have been a contributing factor to many peoples health and well being. Not only that but it also brings about a lot of happiness that people find within these sports. Many find a form of happiness with collaboration with their team while others may find it in being able to try their hardest and…

  • The Meaning And Experience Of Happiness In Islam

    In the perspective of Islam, Happiness is expressed by the term sa’adah, and it relates to two dimensions of existence: to the hereafter and to the present world. Since the self is intimately involved in a dual aspect of body and soul, it is described on the one hand as the animal soul and on…

  • Meaning Of Happiness In Islamic Perspective

    From islamic perspective, happiness is express by the terms of saadah. The term saadah has a close relation to both the hereafter(ukhrawiyyah) and the present world(dunyawiyyah). In the case of the hereafter life (ukhrawiyyah), saadah indicates the meaning of an ultimate form of happiness which is everlasting contentment and bliss. This kind of happiness is…

  • Happiness And Suffering: Happiness Action Plan

    Set reasonable goals In the pursuit of happiness, we need to set reasonable goals in accordance to what we value in life. According to desire-fulfillment theories, achieving these goals will then bring about pleasure (Benatar, 2006). Achievement of these goals can also directly contribute to feelings of endorsement, one of three faces of happiness (Haybron,…

  • The Meaning Of Happiness In Islam

    Introduction From an Islamic point of view, happiness is expressed by the word sa’adah. Shaqawah, which normally conveys the sense of profound suffering and distress, is the word opposite to sa’adah. Two aspects of life are linked to the word sa’adah: the hereafter (ukhrawiyah) and the universe now (dunyawiyah). The word sa’adah has a strong…

  • Does Prosocial Behavior Increase Happiness?

    Past research has shown that feelings of happiness are associated with several health benefits like improved immune system functioning and increased life expectancy (Gazzaniga, 2018). This raises the question: How can this desirable state of mind be increased? A growing body of literature suggests that one potential enhancing factor might be prosocial behavior, defined as…

  • Healthy Soul And Happy Life

    It is everyones desire and ultimate goal to live and pursue a happy life. Many work so hard throughout their lifetime to achieve and accomplish what they think will bring them true happiness, whether it is associated with some type of monetary value or extrinsic value, and for others, true happiness is associated solely with…