Category: Girl

  • There Cannot Be Girl Power without Brain Power: Persuasive Essay



    130,000,000 girls. 130,000,000 girls who dont have access to school. 130,000,000 girls who cant even read the words on this page. 130,000,000 girls with no chance. 130,000,000 girls left behind (‘Gender Inequality Is Keeping Girls Out of School’). Do you sense a problem? In our evolving world, uneducated people are at a catastrophic disadvantage. Without…

  • Gender-competent Experience of Education and Learning for Girls and Women



    Introduction As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights (UN General Assembly. Article 1) Gender inequalities between women and men are embedded throughout society and can be defined as unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. As a typical feature…