Category: Gentrification

  • Gentrification and The Modern Housing Crisis

    What is the modern housing crisis? The housing crisis refers to the high rents and unaffordable housing Americans face, and how not only homes, but rentals, are becoming increasingly unaffordable. Americans being unable to afford shelter has led to both a decrease in homeownership and a rising increase in the homeless population. Simply, the problems…

  • An Analysis of Gentrification in Society Today

    In Art and Complicity, the author defines gentrification as the restoration of public stores or private homes in urban areas occupied by predominately hispanic and black citizens. As the article states, an affected community includes Boyle Heights in Southeast Los Angeles, where the residents have examined the role of artists. The negative affects of gentrification…

  • Research of The Risk of Gentrification in Chinatown

    Over the decades, Toronto has been celebrated for its multicultural roots and cultural landscapes. With a variety of distinctive enclaves at every corner, they connect people to their cultures and invite a wide variety of diversity. With the growth of new development and the priority to increase purchasing power, gentrification imposes a controversial issue for…

  • Positive and Negative Sides of Gentrification in London

    The London Borough of Hackney is an exemplary showcase of the gentrification that has affected various areas of London. The term gentrification originated in Great Britain, as early as 1963. Gentrification has frequently been referred to as the rehabilitation of working-class and derelict housing and the consequent transformation of an area into a middle class…

  • Understanding of Gentrification Through Neil Smiths Theories

    Gentrification on numerous occasions had been attempted to be explained through Neil Smiths production and consumption side theories. Smith is a Scottish geographer and activist intellectual whose prolific, passionate and politically engaged writings played a significant role in shaping the present day landscape of urban studies, human geography, and indeed the entire spectrum of the…

  • Artists as a Part of The Cycle of Gentrification

    Artists are inherently part of the cycle of gentrification due to the rise of the creative environment. With this comes an influx of infrastructure, exploitation of local accommodations and the continuous appearance of a wealthier class. Artists add vibrancy to a formerly drab and seemingly unwelcoming place of residence, inciting interest from business venturers and…

  • Why is Gentrification a Problem? Essay

    Change to cities, neighborhoods, and communities is inevitablehowever, with the latest tide of change, many communities are experiencing gentrification. Gentrification occurs when communities experience an influx of capital and concomitant goods and services in locales where those resources were previously non-existent or denied. Usually, gentrification occurs when more affluent people move to or become interested…

  • Positive And Negative Impact Of Gentrification

    Gentrification, also known as Chelseafication, is defined as the upgrading of older properties to higher-income housing and where dwellings are modernised which causes it to have a higher value. Gentrification has both positive and negative impacts on the current and future inhabitants of a suburbs. This ranges from social to economic impact. Positive impact of…

  • The Need for Implementation of an Automatic Drainage Cleaning System

    The underground drainage system is an important component of urban infrastructure. It is consider being citys lifeline. Most management on underground drainage is manual therefore it is not efficient to have clean and working underground system also in such big cities. It is difficult for the government personnel to locate the exact manhole which is…

  • The Definition of Gentrification, Its Process, Causes and Effects on Society

    Gentrification, as a process is one which is seen in many westernised cities and large towns where there is an abundance of cheap and easily developable land. As a planning process it is often mired in controversy due to the nature of its application and past examples. Gentrification is often defined as a localised shift…