Category: Generation X
Baby Boomer Statistics on Birth, Retirement and Empty Nestling
The baby boomer generation plays a significant part in almost every aspect of todays America. They made an impact to every age cluster they get to belong. Baby boomers have the diverse potentials that uplifted their group in history. Fast statistics show that the fifty plus age group of baby boomers are earning roughly two…
Baby Boomer Population Within The Post World War II Era and before The Vietnam War
First of all, baby boomers are people who were born within the post World War II era and before the Vietnam War. These people are called baby boomers because of the increased birth rate during this period. In the United States, there are about 76 million in total baby boomer population. Even George Bush, the…
Generation X: History and Characteristics
Generation Xso named because of the generations refusal to be definedwitnessed some of the worlds greatest advancements, including space exploration and the development of the computer. Generation X is a relatively smaller generation than those that surround it. Because of the size and influence of Baby Boomers and Millennials, Generation X is sometimes referred to…
Online Shopping Intention of Generation X in Malaysia: Analytical Essay
1.0) Introduction In this chapter, the writer is discussing an overview to the study that includes a general context of the topic, research aim, research question, and an overview of the study. 1.1) General context of a study In this era of globalization, online shopping is one of the convenient way to shopping for young…
Right Incentives for Each Generation in Workplace: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z
1.0 Introduction There are four generations by distinguishing their birth year: Baby Boomers (Born between 1946 – 1964), Gen X (Born between 1965 – 1980), Gen Y / Millennial (Born between 1981-1994), and Gen Z (Born between 1995 – 2010). In the workplace, these four generations will work together. While for different generations, they have…
Evolution of HR Policies from Generation X to Generation Z: Analytical Essay
Abstract- The worlds workforce comprises of people belonging to different generations starting with generation x being born in the 1980s, hard-working and committed individuals to the current generation z which is the youngest, born in the age of technology, self-directed and free-spirited individuals. We shall be considering generations x, y, and z in this study…
The Effective Management of a Multigenerational Workforce: Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z
1 Introduction The world has been in constant demographic change and it’s experiencing immense changes with the advancement in vast technologies and proliferation in communication tools, resulting in clear and more prominent differences between different age groups or generations (Belal, Nafei, Khanfar, & Kaifi, 2012). Over the last couple of years, there has been interaction…