Category: Gender

  • Reflection Paper on the Idea of Gender in Little Red Riding Hood’

    I find these themes important to the retelling of gender because it can apply to males, females, animals, or objects. In every telling of Little Red Riding Hood, there was a common pattern of characters: the young girl, the grandmother, a wolf, with the occasional dwarf or huntsman thrown in. These themes apply to these…

  • Gender Norms Presented In Romeo And Juliet

    In William Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet, he demonstrates and critiques the strong gender norms that were present at the time in which the play is set in Verona, Italy. He portrays the role of men and women as they were at this time. Men are shown as having a sense of honour, masculinity and…

  • How Does The Play Medea Reflect Inequality Within The Male And Female Gender?

    In Euripides ancient Greek tragedy Medea, he explores how women are disadvantaged in society in terms of welfare under the authority of men. Firstly, Euripides speaks against men dehumanising women in their pursuit of higher social standing, criticising such actions as morally wrong. Moreover, Euripides exposes how the patriarchal society places men in positions of…

  • William Shakespeare and Gender

    Did you know that in Shakespeares time, the decision to marry was in the hands of a girls father? Sexuality and gender are vital themes in Shakespeares plays. Depending on any type of play or genre sexuality and gender can be used as a tool of manipulation. During the time of Shakespeare, there was a…

  • Gender Nature Vs Nurture: Essay

    The emergence of the transgender movement has raised many questions for psychologists as to its root causes of it. We find ourselves asking, much like homosexuality, is gender dysphoria a product of your environment, or are there underlying natural causes? While we still dont know the specific cause or causes, we have been making great…

  • Contending Roles and Points of View of Women and Men in Trifles by G. Susan

    Trifles is a play written and composed by Glaspell Susan in the year, 1916, and mirrors the writer’s distraction with culture-bound thoughts of sex roles and gender. In accordance with the title of the play, Trifles by G. Susan recommends that the worries from the women are always viewed as simple trifles, insignificant issues that…

  • Representation of Gender in Shakespeare’s Plays: The Taming of the Shrew and Twelfth Night

    Two of Shakespeares plays which focus heavily on the theme of gender are The Taming of the Shrew and Twelfth Night. In both plays, Shakespeare simultaneously supports and poses challenges to early-modern understandings of gender. In The Taming of the Shrew, the misogynistic treatment of Kate reflects the patriarchal values which were standard of the…

  • Gender and Sexuality in the Taming of the Shrew

    Since gender and sexuality are interpreted as a construct of society and since literature is a method of cultural representation, works of literature can both emphasize gender norms and construct newer, less restricting portrayals of gender and sexuality. This fluctuating state of gender identity based on current societal values is conveyed in works ranging from…

  • The Handling of Gender in Jane Eyre and Things Fall Apart

    In every culture, there are many distinct roles that must be fulfilled by the member of each society.One such role, arguably the most prominent, is gender. Gender roles are demonstrated to people as soon as they become a part of this world. The ways people treat newborns according to their sex greatly influences the process…

  • Tar Baby And Robinson Crusoe: Gender, Age And Sex

    An island far civilization, Robinson Crusoe’s events, have happened on a peaceful beautiful isolated island. Both islands have been identified quiet and beautiful. An external judgment, since nobody knows what was happening on these two islands. What masteries are they hiding? What kind of hidden chaos in both works Robison & son was waiting for…