Category: Friends

  • Personal Narrative Essay about Someone You Lost

    My name is Audrey Lee and I was born on the 22nd of August, 1998 in Los Angeles, California. I had a happy, normal childhood. I attended a private primary preschool and after my little brother was born in April 2003, my family moved into a house in the suburbs outside of Los Angeles, California.…

  • Friends’ Bad Influence and Teen Drug Use: Essay

    It is a sad fact that many of todays teens are dying from being addicted to drugs. As a matter of fact, teens using drugs means suffering from addiction to the drugs. When they get addicted, it is hard for them to quit. Approximately more than 72,000 Americans died from an overdose in 2017. In…

  • Descriptive Essay about a Person

    My friend Matthew Ross is a big part of my life, I met him in high school, and ever since we have been best friends. In 2018 Matthew gave me an understanding that I needed, he made me realize that Im not the only one with a different kind of family. That is the main…

  • Exemplification Essay on True Friend

    Just last year, I experienced my first toxic relationship. I completely lost sight of who I was because I was struggling trying to keep the relationship afloat, and I constantly thought, How am I supposed to fix a relationship that is broken into a million pieces. So many things were amiss in the relationship that…

  • Definition Essay on Friendship

    When you think of the word ‘friends’ or ‘friendship’, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? I guess some vivid memories that excite you to the deepest down, a person or a bunch of people so close and attached to you that losing them gives a sore feeling. I wonder what origin…

  • Is Making Real Friends on the Internet Good: Argumentative Essay

    Friendships are undoubtedly a huge part of any teenagers life. Teens often rely on their friends to share good times with one another, support and help each other during hard times, and feel like they fit in somewhere. However, a new Pew Internet Project report found that a whopping 93% of teens ages 12-17 go…

  • Nature of Friendship: Critical Essay

    In the 1970s, the understanding of the process of friendship remained an under-researched area of psychology. Friendships can take on many different forms and the role of friendships and the influence from peers can change with age. For many years, the role of friends and the influence of friends on the behavior of children had…

  • Our Friend Essay

    I said this whole school year of 2015-16, elementary going to middle school but the elementary kids and middle school kids were in the same building. I said this school year has been one of the most fun but craziest school years I had in my life. It was a lot of fun things we…

  • Examples of Friendship in ‘Of Mice and Men’: Critical Essay

    Having a sense of safety allows a physical, mental, and emotional shield that protects us from the harshness constantly surrounding us. Safety is reflected in the environment and its inhabitants. People often play a role in the feeling and comfort of a place. Some create peace and harmony, others chaos. A lack of people and…

  • Personal Narrative Essay on Finding a True Friend

    Can anyone take my unluckiness? thats what I thought when I had my worst week. Everyone has a day that they could say Its the worst day of my life! on which everything seems not working and feels like all the thunderstorms are following. My worst journey happened when I was in the First-year class.…