Category: Finance

  • Financing J&J Airs Expansion Plans With a Bond Issue

    Secured bonds enable bondholders to demand collateral even when a company goes bankrupt. Such bonds are commonly collateralized by equipment or real estate. Since J&J Air is an airline company, this means that it possesses both equipment and property and, hence, its bonds have collateral (Chaney, Sraer, & Thesmar, 2012). The advantage of secured bonds…

  • Financing Sources for Your Venture

    Outline This paper deals with a preferred source of financing venture called public offerings or IPOs (In the event of an initial issue). It embodies better use of funds and a large financial canvas for corporate business houses to fructify results and prospects. While there are inherent and acquired benefits in terms of larger capital…

  • International Finance and Transactions

    Abstract An international organization is obviously obliged to carry out transactions using foreign currency. Whenever settlements are made in foreign currency, transaction exposures cannot be eluded. When products denominated in foreign currency are sold or bought on credit terms, transaction exposures can easily arise. As a measure to minimize transaction exposure on this ground, transactions…

  • International Finance and Responsible Financial Management

    When COVID-19 spread over the world in the first few months of 2020, it put existing and planned commercial activities in jeopardy, resulting in terrible effects for many. Despite certain commonalities, governments and organizations reacted in a variety of ways, with diverse consequences on the business sector in general and merger and acquisition (M &…

  • Finance: Financial Intermediaries, Financial Assets & Investments

    Table of Contents Role of Financial Intermediaries in a Developed Economy Financial Assets and their Role in the Economy Risk, Return and Diversification References: Role of Financial Intermediaries in a Developed Economy Financial intermediaries, also known as financial institutions, are organizations that issue financial claims against themselves and use the proceeds from the issuance to…

  • Guillermo Scenario: Finance Principles and Concepts

    Table of Contents The Principle of Two-Sided Transactions The Principle of Self-Interested Behavior The Principle of Incremental Benefits The Signaling Principle: Actions Convey Information The Principle of Valuable Ideas The Behavioral Principle Reference Finance concepts are the basic principles that help us understand the common practices in finance as well as unique and uncommon difficult…

  • Choosing the Instrument of External Finance

    Introduction There are several sources of external finance that are available to a company. A company can raise finance either through equity financing, bond financing, or bank finance. Each instrument of finance has its advantages and disadvantages. There are several things that the senior management must consider when choosing the instrument of external finance. Equity…

  • Roles and Functions of a Finance Manager

    Health care services are closely intertwined with business management. Each aspect of nursing responsibilities and management of daily operation should be supported by financial issues to ensure that the hospital is run effectively (Ward, n. d.). Though financial duties and responsibilities are imposed on the Chief Financial Officer, each nurse professional is in charge of…

  • Real Options. Corporate Finance

    Real options refer to the right of the company to perform a certain activity or action at predetermined costs for a specific period. However, It is not an obligation that the company must perform that particular task. With real options, companies can minimize risks associated with new ventures. They can identify possible paths to successful…

  • Researching the Campaign Finance Reform

    Table of Contents Introduction Building a Better Campaign Financing System Full Disclose Act My Opinion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Campaign finance, also recognized as election funding or political contributions, refers to money raised to support candidates, political groups, public policies, and referendums. Campaign donations may also apply to funds collected from private entities for particular…