Category: Fidel Castro

  • Is Fidel Castro a Hero

    To what extent did Fidel Castro successfully revolutionize Cuba, politically, economically, and Socially between 1959-the 1990s Can he be considered a hero? Through the spotlight, on Fidel Castro, it is evident that he successfully revolutionized Cuba politically, economically, and socially from 1959 through to the 1990s through the use of Guerilla warfare to overthrow Batista…

  • Fidel Castro Leadership Style

    In the 1950s the controlling tyrant Fidel Castro took charge of the nation of Cuba. Castro imprisoned and killed thousands of Cuban people that dared to oppose him as well as destroyed Cubas economic prosperity through his connection to Russia. The revolutionary leaders’ introduction of restrictions had long-term effects on the public media in the…

  • Che Guevara and Fidel Castro Relationship

    The circumstances of South & Central America during the 1950s & 1960s did play a role as well in the way his career was chosen. During the 1950s a dictator by the name of Fulgencio Batista was in charge of Cuba. Born in 1901, Batista was born into a sugar-harvesting family. When he was 20…

  • Stalin or Castro: Compare and Contrast Essay

    Reflection essay on corrupting power. This warning from Acton, a politician, and moralist, is as applicable today as it was in 1887 (Acton Institute, 2019), and can apply to individuals, organizations, and governments. According to Merriam Webster (2019), power is defined as the possession of control, authority, or influence over others. Power is that which…

  • Life of Fidel Castro and Analysis of His Ideological Beliefs

    In recent world history, the western hemisphere has evolved to give birth to some of the most successful, and troubled, countries of the modern world. The history of triangle trade and the Columbian exchange of disease, food, and diseases. The Spanish imperialized much of the New World, disturbing native politics and society to establish their…