Category: Experiment
Triacylglycerols: Definition and Extraction Experiment
Table of Contents Introduction Identification of Triaclyglycerals from the Appendices Tabulation of Data of Data in the Order of Elusion The Reverse-phase Chromatography Column Conclusion Reference list Introduction The Triaclyglyceral compounds refer to the group of lipids found in plants and animals; that are easily metabolized to acetyl coenzyme as they are twisters of glycerol…
Ideal Experiment Design: Independent and Dependent Variables
Experiment Design According to this well-known saying, the accidental discovering and picking up a penny will result in a lucky day afterward. Thus, the discovery of a coin is an influential factor, and luck during the day is a consequence of this factor. In the experiment, an independent variable is a factor that is intentionally…
Social Experiment: Wrong Outfit in a Wedding Event
Table of Contents Introduction The experience Conclusion Works Cited Introduction It is my cousins wedding and the invitation card was specific on the dress code. The reception was to capture an official theme consisting of official dressing code, preferably grey or dark suit/dress. I did not expect everyone to dress as was directed. I opted…
A Hypothesis and an Experiment: A Case Study
In a bid to develop a hypothesis and plan an experiment, I listed several things I would like to know within my surrounding; why a plant curves towards a window, why a plant can not grow towards gravity, why the lateral buds of most plants fail to develop and elongate in a similar way as…
Moral Dilemma and Thought Experiments
The purpose of this essay is to set up a thought experiment in which a moral dilemma must be resolved. The problem with the experiments submitted for consideration is the impossibility of a single correct solution. The questions proposed for consideration go beyond the limits of standard philosophical tasks, presenting unresolved issues requiring the manifestation…
Acoustics Experiment in Brunels Thames Tunnel
In this project, tunnels that exist below London streets for a variety of communications, civil defense, and military purposes will be used as the objects of the experiment. This particular site is chosen in order to test and experiment with the different aspects of human senses and in particular the effects and importance of sound.…
Post-Covid Adaptation Laboratory Experiment
Description of the Experiment The Covid-19 pandemic was a challenge for all, but especially for older adults who are at the most risk of complications or death with this disease. As the restrictions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic are lifted, the citizens return to their everyday lives and begin to attend public spaces without masks.…
Smoking: An Idea for a Statistical Experiment
There are so many hidden patterns in our world that may not be obvious at first glance but have the potential to have a noticeable impact on society. Among these, of great research interest is the idea of a link between an individuals smoking and his or her income level. The hypothesis is that people…
Gender Stereotyping Experiment: The Level of Gender Stereotyping in Society
Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Method Subjects Materials Procedure Results Discussion Conclusion Reference List Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the first impression formed by a group of subjects based on the information given to them about a fictitious man on the one hand and a fictitious woman on the other and…
Why People Obey Authority: Milgram Experiment and Real-World Situation
Table of Contents Milgram Experiment Real-World Situation Comparisons Concluding Remarks References Milgram Experiment Human beings tend to follow instructions and obey authority depending on the existing situation. In July 1961, a psychologist from Yale University by the name of Stanley Milgram started a series of experiments to understand why human beings were willing to obey…