Category: Euthanasia

  • The Moral Argument of Requested Euthanasia

    Abstract The ongoing discussion of euthanasia has its supporters and foes. It is already somewhat legal in few places in the world, but still strictly monitored and followed where it is available. Advocates fight for the cause stating that assisted-suicide provides an peaceful end to lives hindered by old age, terminal illness, and empty meaning…

  • Morality of Suicide and Euthanasia

    Suicide is when someone willingly ends their own life. Euthanasia is when a physician assists in ending a persons life. Reasons for suicide include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), bullying, mental illness, and substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, etc.). The reason for euthanasia is usually terminal illnesses or old age. The morality of dying in either of…

  • Justification of Euthanasia: Giving People the Right to Die Peacefully

    Euthanasia is the assisted dying of giving people the right to die peacefully in people who are terminally ill or not experiencing their fullest life. euthanasia is all about letting the ill keep their dignity and having a peaceful death and limiting pain and suffering During the last century, medicine has improved and the acceptance…

  • Assisted Suicide Argumentative Essay

    Introduction  In the United States, the right to die is a controversial and often emotional topic. There are two main sides to the argument: those who believe that people have the right to end their lives when they are suffering from a terminal illness or are in pain, and those who believe that this is…

  • Huntington’s Disease: Causes, Typical Symptoms and Signs, Treatment

    Huntingtons disease is a genetic disease that causes progressive damage to cells in the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex which are both found in the brain. These areas control movement and the way one thinks, understands and remembers. The disease was characterized by George Huntington in 1872. People with Huntingtons disease generally develop symptoms between…

  • End-of-Life Care and Practice

    End-of-life care and practice has evolved over the years. There has been a shift on the attitudes about death in American society. Age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status all contribute to the attitudes toward death. It impacts everyone individually and it is not a universal grief. Many Americans are uncomfortable in speaking about death. Young…

  • Right to Die: Legal Aspects of Euthanasia

    Right to Die Which is referred In Gian Kaurs case, is whether a right to die with dignity as part of a right to live with dignity in the context of article 21? The court observed: A question may arise, in the context of a dying man who is terminally ill or in a PVS…

  • Euthanasia: Persuasive Essay

    Imagine, as you are living your happy, healthy life, you find out you have been diagnosed with a disease and soon become terminally ill. You are told that for the rest of your life you cannot walk, let alone move, and you find it hard to communicate with your family and friends. You need to…

  • The Morality of Euthanasia

    The use of euthanasia in the healthcare field has remained a highly controversial topic and has been widely debated. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the defnition of euthanasia is the act of practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals in a realtively painless way for reasons of mercy (Euthanasia).…

  • Euthanasia: Christian Deontological And Utilitarian Physician Ethics

    The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the various viewpoints of Christian deontology and utilitarian physician with regards to euthanasia. Euthanasia involves termination of the life of an individual to relieve them from their suffering due to terminal illness. The act of euthanasia as sparked a lot of debate among philosophers who…