Category: Ernest Hemingway

  • Wallaces Good People vs. Hemingways Hills& Stories

    Hills Like White Elephants is a short story about two characters in a railway station in Spain. The story focuses on a couple having an intense conversation obliquely referencing an abortion. Despite an uncertain outcome at the end, it is clear that the couple is facing an important decision affecting their lives (Fonseka 5). On…

  • In Our Time a Short Story by Ernest Hemingway

    The nature of humans suggests that we tend to get close with certain people or things, and to keep others at a distance at the same time. Some things are familiar to us; we know them well and feel safe with them. Other things are foreign to us, and we most often feel uncomfortable with…

  • The Hemingway Home: Writers Issues

    No other place is as informative about influential personas as the places where they lived. It is no wonder why Ernest Hemingways house in Key West has attracted so many visitors, me included. Hemingways residency is now a public museum that preserves authenticity due to Hemingways possessions remaining there. When I went to visit The…

  • Soldiers Home and Out of Season by Ernest Hemingway

    The themes of alienation and isolation frequently occur in the short stories by Hemingway. The writer focuses on the separation of the protagonists from the outer world by creating circumstances and situations that prevent him/her from establishing relations with other people. Soldiers Home and Out of Season are among the brightest examples of stories revealing…

  • Men, Women, and Relationships in the Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway

    Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway is another short story with a cyphered message. At first glance, nothing special but a conversation between a man and a woman at a train station is happening. Here, a reader seems to be peeking through a keyhole. Along the peeking, the reader discovers, to their dismay, what…

  • The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

    The book The Sun Also Rises was published in 1926 and was the first novel published by the renowned Novelist Ernest Hemmingway. The book is also known as Fiesta in some countries because this was the original title that Hemmingway chose for the novel. The Sun Also Rises expounds upon the values and lives of…

  • Soldiers Home by Ernest Hemingway: Analysis

    The ways of how a persons psychological state and attitudes to everyday situations change in response to traumatic experiences, such as war or violence, have been an inspirational topic for multiple generations of writers. Soldiers Home, a short story by Ernest Hemingway, is an excellent example of works that reflect on psychological changes and issues…

  • The Soldiers Home by Ernest Hemingway

    Table of Contents Introduction About the Author Plot and Setting Characters Language, Tone, and Style Themes and Symbols Conclusion References Introduction Hemingways The Soldiers Home is a story of a war veteran who faces the dilemma of choosing between being a welcomed member of his old social circle and staying true to his morals and…

  • Themes in Hemingways A Farewell to Arms: The Cruel Reality of War

    Although there were numerous prerequisites and indications of a military crisis approaching the world in the early 1910s, World War I swept the humankind into massive bloodshed and introduced it to chaos. A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway deserves to be titled as the most prominent of prose pieces that strip war of its…

  • The Feeling of Lost in Hemingways Soldiers Home

    Introduction Ernest Hemingway (18991961) was one of the most popular and successful American writers of the 20th century and is now considered a modern classic. His novels and stories revolve around bullfighting, big game safaris, and war. Ernest Hemingway is probably one of the best and most influential short story writers. His early story, Soldiers…